A Basic Betta Setting


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Despite my thoughts of this bowl being depressing for myfish(also the temperature the room is(72f)) its most i can do for now until i pay another visit to the lfs and also grab myself a nice 1 gallon+ tank for my betta...i bought it today...whenever iwarm teh water using my hands wrapped around the bowl the fella gets quite active swimming around through the plants....

Note that the green is actually a bright blue
That green looks awesome. lol i no its not actually green, cool if it was though. that tank doesn't look to small. its huge compared to some retard shop owners.
i still find it small lol....
Anywho the guy is starting to warm up to the tank(most likely because the water is starting to warmup) but hye why compare a fishowner with a with a shopowner theres a major difference right there. Gotta compare yourself to GOOD fishkeeper to know what im doing, to set a good role to keepiung your fish.
sorry if it seems like im flaming you but im not ^_^ sorry if any offense was tooken
Gorgeous fish, agree that the bowls a bit small, 1 gallon is really the bare minimum for fish, but it sounds like you plan on upgrading, so :good: to you!

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