New Betta


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
After pepsi my otehr betta died of a bacterial infection.. the other week, i bought a new one a few days ago, and is extremmely active and eats like a beast...
It likes to eplore all around its bland tank(just marbles and a single silk plant aath the moment)
He lives in a 2 gal unfilter tank though i have put some cycle solution into the water.
No names at the moment but heres the pics:
OH and the tank isnt really as dirtyy as it seams, its just really scratched up on the outside!

Beautiful fishy! He deserves a good name. How about keeping with your fizzy drinks theme and name him Dr Pepper. :rolleyes:
hows Jolt Cola...cause hes lot more active then my previous betta
and Jolt is coke with lots more sugar ahahah
Yeahhhh i need more decos lol, this guys pretty curious and likes to swim around lots
especially when im around!
Kool as fighter, (i love the drink dr pepper but i dunno about naming a fish dr pepper.)
His tank looks like my blender lol.
Jolt it is :hyper:
Uhhhhh i need deco ideas for hte tank a single plant for keep my betta that interested, though hes pretty actiev as it is but he needs an interesting home eh?
and everyime when my music is one he like swims alot more ahaha
what kind of music do you play him? my friend used to put on techno dance music on for hers lol.
Oh he is so pretty! I just love the lighter color bettas... not that there is anything wrong with the darker ones either heh :wub:
uh Dr. Pepper, well he could become a a fizzy drink for something else ahah, but alrite Dr.Pepper it is...

I play R&B, Techno(Trance & Rave), Hip Hop, Rap
Lol thats what my playlist has, he seems to swim lot more with it lol.
Anywho i might be going out to get new plants.(Silk, cause i have no spare airpumps around)
YAYAYAYAYAYAYA, my betta bubblenested, that would be a good sign right?
Bettas generally build a bubble nest when they are ready for mating. It's usually a sign that they are happy and feel secure in their environment.

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