Baby Bettas


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi everyone. I've had baby bettas for about two months now and they have gotten their color (all have red fins just like their mother). The mother has red fins and a red body. When do the babies start getting color on their bodies? Also, when will they actually get big? Thank you so much for your help everyone.
it really depends on how well their fed and how clean they're water is, these factors will determine their growth rate. Though I believe they tend to get their full coloring at 2-3 months old.
i believe they should get their full coloring soon(within a few weeks), as i've read alot about breeding and such, but decided i wasn't ready yet since im very limited in room(college dorms :/ ), and that i think i have alot more to learn and understand about bettas before i start :p
I would think what Jaded said. I think it would be about 2-3 months also
Damn i was hoping for some pics. My babies are 2 weeks old now. and are still very little. I read everywhere that it is 2-3 months old they get full colour.
aww sorry i cant get any pics, but they are about 2 months old now and they are fed extremely well. They are also very clean, with no gravel on the bottom so it is easier to clean. Thank you so much everyone for your replies, i appreciate them all 100%.
ooo too bad :( no pictures, at least show us the parents or describe them so we can imagine the little ones in out heads, lol.
Well the dad is a blue one with a little bit of red on his bottom fins. and the mom is soooo beautiful. She looks just like a male with a female body! Her red color is so deep and it is so much bolder than a males color! And all the babies have red fins coming out, but their bodies havent gotten any color yet, so im not sure what they will turn out to be in the end. But I do want to keep one red male for future breeding.
If the mom has a white/pink body then she is a cambodian. With that, red is the most dominant color trait (if I'm not mistaken) and cambodian is even more prominant in patterning. So if the mother was a red cambo, then most of the babies will turn out that way. Some of the babies may jsut take longer ot get their full colors. I've had bettas over 3 months old when I got them, and a month later (sometimes even less than a week) the fish gained a different color. Thoug these fish were marbles and had a marble gene. It could be a possiblity if the babies parents had marbel lines buried that you didn't know of. Just an idea... But by 3 months you should know their colors for the most part. I hope that helped!
Thanks Nevergone815, it did help me, but my female is just ALL red and there is not even a spot of any other color. But I think you are right, there could be something in the genes that cause these babies to get their color later.
They are all just regular bettas, but the dad is extremely large and his fins are very long, so i hope they get his traits! I hope to breed crowntails though, because i have a beautiful yellow-orange crowntail male and his fins are almost see-though.

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