Your Favorite Betta Color?


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
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My Bettas House In New York
Whats everyones favorite color in bettas? I personally LOVE fancies!! Like these guys




What does everyone else like?
Yellow, and cambodian. Also love blue butterflies, and mustard gas! Seriuosley, I'm a sucker for all bettas :wub:
i'm a sucker for blue+reds and the multi's like you showed
I love greens, chocolates (or yellow/black bicolor if you prefer), and reds. Marble is my favorite pattern. ^_^
I love black and reds. But I really really want a blue butterfly! And white ones I think look beautiful!
I love the multi's with red, green, and blue. I had a beauty that was a brilliant red from head down to halfway down all it's fins where it abruptly turned a beautiful bluish-green in a perfectly smooth, seamless, straight line. That was my absolute favorite of all time. Picture's at home though.
Black coppers :drool: Also coppers/copper golds, 'black orchids', solid steels and black/white marbles :)
my favorite betta color would have to be...bright reds and pinks.
I like dark green and also dark blue ones. Red are nice also.
I love the colour of the betta in berts signature. Is there a cool name for that colour, like mustard gas is that dark colour.
Hmm.. dont really have a color I like.
Not sure what the differences are between mustard gas, copper etc etc and all of that heh...

I really like multi-colored bettas. Really like marbled? ones.
I like ones with no so common colors as well. Like pink or violet, or yellow... white bettas are also very pretty.

Here are a few from aquabid that I like....




Wow... this ons is GORGEOUS...

and so on and so forth

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