Advice For First Time Breeder


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2007
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hey guy/gals, after seeing some of the lovely new bettas that my work had today and me having a bit of extra space in my room nowadays, i've decided i want to try my hand at breeding some fighters :)

so basically the only free tank i have at the moment is a 15L (3-4Gal) hexagonal tank my mother used to keep goldfish in, is this large enough to breed or will i need something with a larger surface area? also, i have never bred any fish before, i know the basis of what's to be done in regards the bettas but if someone could explain (or direct me to) some more in depth instructions it would be appreciated :)

Bettas could be bred in a tank that size, but would be difficult. For breeding, a tank of 5-10 gallons is better. Small sponge type filtration would be ideal with soft acidic water and dense plant growth. Provide floating plants too.
oh ok, thanks, so is pump driven filtration ideal?

i'll have to invest in a new tank, which isn't a problem really though. what kind of substrate is ideal?
Dont use any gravel or anything in the tank you are using for breeding. Leave it bare - if the eggs/fry fall out the male wont be able to get them if there is substrate.
I found this link really helpful - this is what Ill be using when I start preparing to breed! Goodluck!

betta breeding by kick

I found this one helpful too!

breeding betta fish
thanks a bunch, i'll read through those :)

i thought it would have to be bare, when i go into work i'll look at a new tank (i looooove staff discount :p)
Lol, thats a good idea! Ill look for a job in an aquatics shop when I get a job then I can get lots of tanks for cheap!
Lol, thats a good idea! Ill look for a job in an aquatics shop when I get a job then I can get lots of tanks for cheap!

i don't know how i managed before i had it in all honesty, it's a full pet shop to, so all ym dog and cat food is virtually free :p

i get a wholesale price on anything off the shelf (which is generally between 20-50% of the RRP) and 20% off 'livestock' it really is great, i set up a fully filtered 20 litre goldfish tank for $40AU :good:
In the top link, it says that after 3 months the fry are still tiny. Is that true ? , because i heard that fighting fish fry grow quickly.
They arent tiny but they arent fully grown either. Not sure how big but I have seen pics of 3.5 month olds for sale and they look like adults just a little smaller!
I think my 2 new crowntails are only around 4 months and they are small compared to my adult male Spike.
It depends sometimes they are still quite small sometimes they arent. There is lots of good stuff on the betta FAQ.
If you need any information I've been breeding bettas for years, so feel free to PM me. I use 10g tanks for breeding (stocked with live plant for hiding spaces and infusoria growth for fry, also use air powered sponge filter 1: can determin how storng it is, ie can turn down so not to disrupt the nest, 2: sponge filters will not suck up babies, I use a stirofome cup cut in half for place to build nest, but have had males build nests under almond leaves as well. I also use a few drops of blackwater extract in the 10g breeding tanks) My water is ~300ppm for breeding tanks ( will help with egg development and hatch %) ph is around 6.5 during breeding. I also reccomend adjusting their diet to rich foods 3 times a day in the week before breeding. Good luck, any questions drop me a line.

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