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  1. ox5477

    Have You Ever Found A Jumper?

    I've lost a yellow wrasse to this (not fun to find my buddy on the carpet behind the tank)... always a good idea to have a cover for any type of tank that you may have Ox :good:
  2. ox5477

    Schooling Fish With A Green Terror

    Well for two full grown adults, a 90G (US) is preferable IMO, and if you want to add some dither fish in a tank like that, I keep giant danios with my cichlids. If you want to go with an even bigger tank, then silver dollars would be a great choice. Ox :good:
  3. ox5477

    How Full Should I Fill My Tank

    Its doesn't really matter except what looks good to you..... obv if the water level is only half way in the tank, then you have cut the water volume in half and then should make sure the volume is not over stocked... But, if its right below the top of the tank, no biggie.... I try to keep the...
  4. ox5477

    Buying Fish

    What species is in the tank currently? If you want don't want them breeding all the time, then livebearers would not be a good choice... they will breed in almost any kind of tank condition.
  5. ox5477

    Algae Control

    good stuff ozzy, the thing that prob really curtailed the algae was the reduction in food (dissolved nutrients for the algae) and the gap in the lighting period (this severly disrupts their growth cycles). Good job :good:
  6. ox5477

    Random Question

    why would you want the mods deleted? They are some good people :good: haha.... i knew what you meant
  7. ox5477

    Cycling Tank....filter Slime

    This is most likely green algae, which thrive in high nutrient (nitrate and phosphorus) environments. If the light is shining on the filter return as well, this promote this groth even more. A good filter cleaning can be done once a month or every few months as the cycle is completed and you...
  8. ox5477

    Temp Problems?

    well 3g is a small water volume so therefore, the temp can swing pretty rapidly. The best thing to do if possible is to keep the tank in a cool shaded room during the day to reduce the amount of heat added to the water. If ur still seeing large temp increases, try placing a fan so that it...
  9. ox5477

    Severum Appreciation Society

    My dominant green sev... I believe a male, showing beatiful coloring and seems to be the most outgoing fish in the tank, still pushed around by the bigger jd, but when the jd is hiding, he gets to be king of the tank:
  10. ox5477

    Cichlid Tank Update

    They are actually a very popular choice for "dither" fish with cichlids due to their unusual shape and size.
  11. ox5477

    Cichlid Tank Update

    yep, got the two sevs with the sd's when I upgraded to the 125 to fill it out. The other sev is like the dempsey and is very shy, couldn't get a good pic, but it is very expressive through it's skin and shows more emotion then either other cichlid which is cool :good: I guess I should mention...
  12. ox5477

    Cichlid Tank Update

    Hey, been a crazy last six months, gone from a full fledged fish-a-holic to a casual lover. My passion hasn't dissappeared but due to financial issues (as felt by many others im sure), i've been cut down to a budget of almost nothing. Luckily, I have still have my cichlids though, and since...
  13. ox5477

    Clown Fish, Sleep?

    My clown would do this in a natural rock cave in a piece of lr when the lights would go out. Whether fish sleep is a debate that come up many times on TFF but this is def a natural response from nature and being on a reef. They wouldn't like a shark or other large fish coming along out of the...
  14. ox5477

    How Do I Pronounce These?

    ya, those look fine, you can call them "zoos" and "rics" for short if you want too, many do
  15. ox5477

    Bioload Of Shrimp

    you can consider shrimp to be bascially nil on the bioload scale; unless the tank is very, very small. Also, as long as they don't become food (and then waste) for the fish, you should be fine :good:
  16. ox5477

    Juwel Automatic Feeder

    I would feed by hand.... never really can trust an auto feeder. They can be useful for when your going on vaca for a week or two and you can't find anybody to come over and feed them, but as an everyday feeder, just wouldn't trust it. When you feed everyday or everyother day, then you will...
  17. ox5477

    How Much Is Too Much

    I would add a cichlid pellet as the main staple of the diet. This food is designed to give the fish it's full nutrition, and you could still feed it a more meaty food a couple times a week as a treat or just something different to keep its pallet diverse. I feed my cichlids mainly on pellets...
  18. ox5477

    Green Severum

    sev's grow pretty slow as cichlids go. my sevs seemed to never grow as well, but now, the male is really increasing in size and his nuchal hump is starting to develop. as long as it has enough space and a proper diet, your sev will grow so no worries, its only been a little over two months so...
  19. ox5477


    space is prob the issue... tank size is needed
  20. ox5477

    Dollars With Cichlids?

    I keep a shoal of 6 with a JD and two sevs, so yes
  21. ox5477

    Brian's 90g

    Ya, this tank no longer exists in one place, ie it was sold off. I lost my job right before thanksgiving and money got really tight, so I decided to get my money back to pay bills... I know, tough decision, but I did keep my hammer and ricordea and they are currently in a nano in my room...
  22. ox5477

    Jack Dempsey Tankmates

    My adult male JD is with two teen sev's (~5"), 7 giant danios (~2"), 6 silver dollars(~6" disks), and a common plec. This is in a 125G As mentioned above, the size of your tank is important to the tank mates, as obv if your tank is 500G, the possibilities are huge, but if you have a 55G (which...
  23. ox5477

    Something Strange

    If you say a general rule (which there are always exceptions), I would have a 75G min for a single oscar and a 45G min for the JD. And if I was planning for the two, I would get a 125G and up with bogwood and fake plants to give plenty of room for territory and dividing lines.... but if your...
  24. ox5477

    Post Pictures That Made You Laff

    this is a video, but still funny, even though it is quite old and most have prob seen this. But if not, enjoy: Cat Conversation
  25. ox5477

    The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

    There was no power outtages in western NY to my knowledge... most of the affected areas were from albany going east... thanks for the concern though Kj :good:
  26. ox5477

    Your House Pics

    Gotta love the housing market in western new york.... houses in the city here in rochester depending what part of the city can be 30-40,000 for 4000+sq ft houses.... a typical 1500 sq ft house in the burbs goes for about 80,000 though so its primarily the city that has the really low values...
  27. ox5477

    Jack Dempsy Talk

    Like most other cichlid species, they will grow to about 3/4 of their full adult size in the first year (though some grow faster and some slower). Since an adult male JD can reach 8", and a female 6", you can figure for a JD to reach roughly 4.5-5" in the first year Fed a diet of primarly...
  28. ox5477

    New Pump Required For Water Movement

    well it depends on what you have in the tank... for fowlr, 20x circulation is fine as the flow is only needed to pass the water over and through the rocks for filtration..... if you have corals, then you might want to look into more, especially for sps (hard) corals which like quite a bit of...
  29. ox5477

    Do Your Cichlids Do This?

    well get ready for the gang to jump on you, but I will say, that tank is not big enough usually for three individual oscars... if they are living happily without incident then I would say don't change anything, but usually, oscars are preferably kept as single individual or large groups in which...
  30. ox5477

    Apple Jack

    FYI.... "he" is a she.... can tell from the coloration on the gill plates and the dorsal fin Ox :good:
  31. ox5477

    Brian's 90g

    Ya, titans are tough this year, I dont think they will go undefeated, but they are def the team to watch right now Thanks for the comments :good:
  32. ox5477

    Brian's 90g

    :good: Hoping they both grow to fill out space and I'm thinking a torch would look nice on top of the rock on the far left to compliment the other two euphylia's :nod: Thanks
  33. ox5477

    Barney's New Marine Journal - 150l Upgrade.

    looks good Barney!
  34. ox5477

    Brian's 90g

  35. ox5477

    Brian's 90g

    sorry, I like to tease, cleaning some things up, doing some water testing with the sump running now and will try and take some pics in between football :shifty:
  36. ox5477

    Brian's 90g

    Its up and running.... want to see it? :shifty:
  37. ox5477

    Moon Lights

    FYI... if your looking to see what little critters come out at night.... its best to use red light as most of the creatures cannot see in this spectrum... so they will continue to move around without getting scared.... if you want something that makes your tank look nice, moonlights are...
  38. ox5477

    Rabbut's Marine Jurnal

    looking good rabbut :good:
  39. ox5477

    The Adventures Of A Marine Newbie...

    Use a baited trap.... put some food at the bottom of a tall glass (like a milk glass for dinner) and lean the glass next to the rockwork so any little buggers can get to the top edge of glass..... they stomachs will make them go forward and they will be trapped in the glass as they will not be...
  40. ox5477

    Calcium Reactor V. Liquid Calcium Solution

    A reactor is really only necessary for heavily stocked lps,sps and clam tanks.... the corals will use so much so quickly, its expensive and a PITA to almost continually buffer with liquid solution.... but for most tanks, a liquid solution is fine... Not to say either, you couldn't have a calc...