Search results

  1. Ripley

    Leopard Bushfish/ Climbing Perch

    You already have lots of really good replies, but I can't not post as these fish are my favourites! I currently have three in my 75g (they are 4+ inches), and they get along very well. I have no idea of their sexes, but so far it hasn't created any problems. One I've had for three years now, and...
  2. Ripley

    Free Calico Convict

    I have one male (as far as I can figure) calico convict to give away. I am taking down the tank and thought perhaps I could find him a good home instead of just taking him to a store. He is about an inch and a half long, and under a year old (I bred him myself). He eats well, and will take...
  3. Ripley

    Spotted Climbing Perch With The Latest Fashion Accessory

    Indigoj - Thanks! And lucky you that yours come out a lot. Sometimes mine come out, but most often they sit in their individual terra cotta pots all day. (Though I do have the pots on the side closest to where I sit, so I can still see them most of the time.) Do the crickets, if yours are...
  4. Ripley

    Spotted Climbing Perch With The Latest Fashion Accessory

    Hey all, sorry for the delay in replying - I was out of town for a few days with no internet connection. Betta Boy - Yep, Ace of Spades is right, it's a major part of my perches diet. (Except, I'm a she not a he. Lol.) I also supplement the crickets with bloodworms and brine shrimp every...
  5. Ripley

    My Bullet Tank

    Thanks DL. I'll try and stop by next time I go to Calgary if I have time. Big Al's isn't my favourite place to shop, but they do have a good selection of livestock... Though I'm not sure why they need a $1700 mbu puffer.... Anyway, my other options are Pj's Pets or PetsMart. (Sorry to the OP...
  6. Ripley

    Spotted Climbing Perch With The Latest Fashion Accessory

    I had congo tetras in there with them before, but got rid of them as they were eating everything before the perches could even come out of hiding. It was literally a cricket for each of them, THEN maybe a cricket for the perches. Which was a huge pain in the butt. And now, while they are still...
  7. Ripley

    Spotted Climbing Perch With The Latest Fashion Accessory

    Haha, thanks everyone!! I too was laughing my head off as I was taking the pictures. Figured it was a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity. AoS - the tank is a 55g, with the 3 perches (who I only see around feeding time), 3 upside-down catfish (who I only see at random intervals), and 1 bumblebee...
  8. Ripley

    My Bullet Tank

    Oh really? I'm probably heading down to Calgary in the next couple weeks. Do you have an address for that store? And yes, they're at Big Al's here in Edmonton, and they are $50 each. It's fairly ridiculous!
  9. Ripley

    Spotted Climbing Perch With The Latest Fashion Accessory

    This accessory is not only stylish, but it also is dual purpose! It is also quite cheap (goes for about 10 cents), and there is always a large supply around. And now that I have your attention... ... ... ... ... ... ... And of course, it's other purpose is that it's edible...
  10. Ripley

    My Bullet Tank

    Gorgeous discus! And I'm super jealous of your torpedo barb (they're called indian flasher barbs here), because they're $50 CDN each here!! When the come down in price I am going to have them for sure.
  11. Ripley

    Re-doing 20g

    Thanks all! Okay, so black background it is! :) sic, I've had female bettas before and quite enjoyed them. In fact, I saw a gorgeous girl at the store the other day, and if she's still there tomorrow I'll probably be bringing her home (if not for this tank, for my empty 5g). Frida, I wish...
  12. Ripley

    Re-doing 20g

    I've actually been thinking about getting a black background for it. Hmmm... And I'll keep the neons and cardinals in mind, though they aren't really that exciting for me. :)
  13. Ripley

    Re-doing 20g

    Today I decided that I'm redoing my 20g with some new fish. I'm not interested in breeding my convicts again (though I do feel kind of bad getting rid of my little calico male), so I'm going to take them back to the store and find something new. Part of me is thinking about buying some more...
  14. Ripley

    Stocking Help

    Also which type of raphael catfish? The spotted raphael gets to 8", while the striped raphael gets about 9.4" (info from Fish Profiles). I have personally had a spotted raphael and he was the most useless fish I've ever (not) seen in my life. I put him in my tank, he found the perfect catfish...
  15. Ripley

    Ammonia Remover?

    Sorry I should have given more info. The pond is cycled, but I was just wondering if I should put the media in the flow or in still water in the system. Really wondering which is better. On all my other tank I use Aqua clears, so I always wondered if the media had to be in the flow of water?
  16. Ripley

    Ammonia Remover?

    I was wondering in order to remove ammonia from my water do the water have to flow through the bag of media or can it be just placed in the water? I have a small pond and was just wondering if that could work, or does the water have to flow thorugh the bag of media.
  17. Ripley

    What Stock To Get?

    Well you have several options. You can go with a tetra tank mainly and have neons, blackshirts, phamton etc.. You could also get some more live bearers. For a cleaning crew you could get cories and either ottos or SEA. So in terms of number I would go with: -12 neons tetras -6-8 blackskirts...
  18. Ripley

    Danios And Which Algae Eater

    I'd go with a couple of Ottos.
  19. Ripley

    Rams, Guppies, Platies, Endlers

    The rams would be fine with those fish. But it depends on the size of the tank.
  20. Ripley

    20 Gallon Tank

    You could get 3 more platies and 3 more cories.
  21. Ripley

    Strange Fish At Lfs?

    I think that might be it. The males red was just larger and brighter. Thanks.
  22. Ripley

    Strange Fish At Lfs?

    I was to one of my LFS today and seen a trio of fish, but I did not know what they were. Neither did the people at the store. They looked like zebra danios, but with no stripes ( no not leopard danios either lol ). But they had three to four small vertical stripes on their body. The male was...
  23. Ripley

    Is There Anyway To Treat Ich Without Changing The Water Color?

    Wow lol. Hmmm well you could try turning off the filter, low oxygen levels will kill off the parasite. What kind of fish do you have?
  24. Ripley

    Feeding Flounders?

  25. Ripley

    Adding Firemouth Cichlid And Paradise Fish To Community Tank

    Paradise fish prefer cooler water temperatures then the tetras, but are pretty tough. They are a bit nippy, but should be ok in with the tetras. Assuming none of them have long fins like Black Skirts etc.... What kind of tetras do you have? The firemouth wouldn't be a good idea, as they are...
  26. Ripley

    Feeding Flounders?

    I recently purchased three small freshwater flounders for my 75 gallon and I was wondering if anyone had any experince with these guys? What did you feed them etc..... I feed the fish that are in there now, flakes, misquito larvea, bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphina.
  27. Ripley

    What Type Of Tail Has My Betta Got?

    Try to get him to flare a bit, then you can easily figure it out.
  28. Ripley

    What Type Of Tail Has My Betta Got?

    Looks like a veil tail.
  29. Ripley

    36 Gallon Stocking Question

    .You could get 4-6 cories for the bottom. I would keep an eye on the shark. Rainbows aren't as aggressive as Red tailed sharks, but they can get a bit territorial
  30. Ripley

    Empty 90us G (help)

    In terms of a new world cichlid I would go with an oscar. A bit more waste, but would be less aggressive choice. For an odd ball I'd go with a Fire eel.
  31. Ripley

    36 Gallon Stocking Question

    Sounds good to me.
  32. Ripley

    Yellow Lab Sexing

    Males are larger and have a black line running vertically through their eyes. Also the males have more black on their fins. The first one is a male and the second looks like a female.
  33. Ripley

    Question On Blue German Ram Eggs Being Ate.

    You could try. It would be easier to breed the pair in a sperate tank. Let the parents take care of them for about a week or so, then remove the fry. It would be best to raise the fry in a seperate tank.
  34. Ripley

    Strange Twist

    She could have had some of the fry already. Unless she is still like it, then I am not sure. She does look pregnant though, I see most of your females are pregnant. Lots of guppy fry soon too. They are really nice looking as well.
  35. Ripley

    Question On Blue German Ram Eggs Being Ate.

    You will have a hard time breeding the Rams and raising the fry with those tankmates. So even if you took out the platy, I am sure the Bumblebee cat, will go after the eggs/fry as soon as the lights go off. Once the eggs hatch the parents will have a harder time guarding them, so even the other...
  36. Ripley

    55 Gallon Tank Mates?

    I would go with 2 angels max. as the Gouramis is already taking up a good part of the tank. I would be a bit hesitant with adding the female bettas, as they would easily fit in the gouramis mouth. Now I am not sure if the gouramis would even think about, but even guppies will eat what ever can...
  37. Ripley


    I would check the water parameters. Just bring a sample in to your LFS and they will test it for free. Also I would do a big water change. What size is your tank?
  38. Ripley

    Stocking For A Few Tanks?

    We may go with some Cherry shrimp for the 10 gallon if we come across them. The Cherry shrimp would add some nice color to the bottom of the tank. What would you suggest in terms of how many shrimp? Blackskrits are nice, and I think they may be just big enough that the perches won't eat them...
  39. Ripley

    Stocking For A Few Tanks?

  40. Ripley

    Filteration For Small Tank?

    Thanks for the info. Wow, I figured you would have to do more then one water change per month.