Question On Blue German Ram Eggs Being Ate.


New Member
Apr 24, 2009
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my newest additions to my 30 gal tank, my 2 german blue rams laid eggs. my question is, i have a single platy i belive is female who is quite agressive. especially towards the rams. i noticed after it would chase the rams away it would dive in for a quick feast on the eggs. so i put her in a breeder box to sperate her. but i feel bad for the sperated platy, so should i keep it in the breeder box or let her out with the rest? The platy seems to be the only one wanting the eggs. My tank includes 1 bumblebee catfish 3 redeye tetra's 9 neon tetras 1 ruber mouth pleco 2 clown loaches 1 sunburst platy 2 german blue rams and about 4kahuli loaches. I appreciate any suggestions thank you.
You will have a hard time breeding the Rams and raising the fry with those tankmates. So even if you took out the platy, I am sure the Bumblebee cat, will go after the eggs/fry as soon as the lights go off. Once the eggs hatch the parents will have a harder time guarding them, so even the other fish may take advantage of the opportunity.
Keep an eye on the Clown loaches, as they get to be a nice size. But they do grow a slow as well.
You will have a hard time breeding the Rams and raising the fry with those tankmates. So even if you took out the platy, I am sure the Bumblebee cat, will go after the eggs/fry as soon as the lights go off. Once the eggs hatch the parents will have a harder time guarding them, so even the other fish may take advantage of the opportunity.
Keep an eye on the Clown loaches, as they get to be a nice size. But they do grow a slow as well.

now when the fry hatch would it be better to snag the survivors and put them into the breeder box? ive had platy fry and ive never dealt with eggs before since platys give live birth.
You could try. It would be easier to breed the pair in a sperate tank. Let the parents take care of them for about a week or so, then remove the fry. It would be best to raise the fry in a seperate tank.

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