This accessory is not only stylish, but it also is dual purpose! It is also quite cheap (goes for about 10 cents), and there is always a large supply around. And now that I have your attention...
And of course, it's other purpose is that it's edible. Here is the accessory approximately 30 seconds later.
So basically, this SCP grabbed the cricket by a leg, instead of the whole cricket, and the cricket swung around and held onto it's head. I half expected the SCP to either try and rub it off, or one of the other ones to snatch it off this one's head. But nope. And this is one time it pays to have the camera handy!!
Hope you all enjoyed the pictures.
And of course, it's other purpose is that it's edible. Here is the accessory approximately 30 seconds later.
So basically, this SCP grabbed the cricket by a leg, instead of the whole cricket, and the cricket swung around and held onto it's head. I half expected the SCP to either try and rub it off, or one of the other ones to snatch it off this one's head. But nope. And this is one time it pays to have the camera handy!!
Hope you all enjoyed the pictures.