Re-doing 20g


Aug 6, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Today I decided that I'm redoing my 20g with some new fish. I'm not interested in breeding my convicts again (though I do feel kind of bad getting rid of my little calico male), so I'm going to take them back to the store and find something new.

Part of me is thinking about buying some more white cloud mountain minnows and move them from my 10g into the 20g. I would just have to buy probably one more small bag of gravel and then move everything over (or leave the back gravel that is in it). But I'm not really sold on that idea.

I'm really thinking of putting some sort of schooling-type fish, as I have not really had many. In fact, I'd love to have odessa barbs, but they're a bit pricey for my jobless self. I've also thought about tiger barbs, because I like those, but have never had them. But then I look at the serpae tetras, and I'm liking those. No danios, because I actually have had those. So many choices!!

This is what it looks like right now.

But I do have plenty of fake plants that I can use to completely change the look of it (so it would be more suited for schooling fish.)

So, give me your suggestions! It can me something other than what I have said I like - I'm willing to consider everything! :)
If you put a black background on there, it would look FANTASTIC with a big shoal of cardinal, neon, and black neon tetra!
I've actually been thinking about getting a black background for it. Hmmm...
And I'll keep the neons and cardinals in mind, though they aren't really that exciting for me. :)
Female Bettas would look good especially with a black background.
I've actually been thinking about getting a black background for it. Hmmm...
And I'll keep the neons and cardinals in mind, though they aren't really that exciting for me. :)

What about some rasboras? Some are very pretty:
galaxy rasbora
emerald dwarf rasbora

oops - just read that you don't want anything too pricy - it is strage because in the UK you can get odessa barbs for about £2 as far as I know!

Well, good luck finding something :) I like the look of your tank - I think it will look stunning with plants! The green will contrast nicely with the terracotta. By the way, does the terracotta alter the pH of water at all?
Another vote for a black background here.

Fishwise, I know you said money was an issue so this would probably be a no no but.....
A large group of emerald dwarf rasbora? Or a large group of galaxy rasbora?

Other than that I agree that serpae tetras are really nice.
Are you interested in any breeding or just setting up a nice shoaling community?
How about some black phantoms, i have 4 and they always school together and will eat anything. Very peaceful and beautiful too. I think a black background would make the fish stand out more aswell. Serpae tetras look the same as black phantoms i think but more red?
Thanks all!

Okay, so black background it is! :)

sic, I've had female bettas before and quite enjoyed them. In fact, I saw a gorgeous girl at the store the other day, and if she's still there tomorrow I'll probably be bringing her home (if not for this tank, for my empty 5g).

Frida, I wish odessa barbs were cheaper. They're typically about $10 each here. Same with the galaxy rasboras - they're about $12 each. I haven't noticed a change in pH with the pots - but that said, I have actually tested the water with or without the pots.

Curiosity, I'm open to either a breeding-type or more display-type tank. I think for right now probably more just display as I'm semi-sort of working on breeding my white clouds. I do agree that the serpaes are nice - especially when they are healthy and bright.

TYO, thank you for reminding me of the phantom tetras. They are also pretty nice.

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