Ammonia Remover?


Aug 6, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I was wondering in order to remove ammonia from my water do the water have to flow through the bag of media or can it be just placed in the water? I have a small pond and was just wondering if that could work, or does the water have to flow thorugh the bag of media.
You do not want to use this product!!!!

You NEED to cycle the pond properly!

Have a look in the beginners section and read about cycling.

Sorry I should have given more info. The pond is cycled, but I was just wondering if I should put the media in the flow or in still water in the system. Really wondering which is better. On all my other tank I use Aqua clears, so I always wondered if the media had to be in the flow of water?
You are still going to be taking away the food source for your autotrophic bacteria in your filter.

I would not use it.

Why are you going to use it?


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