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    Slowing Flow Rate.

    I only want to slow the flow through the filter, I wish to keep the capacity of the filter itself. My main reason for doing this is that the nitrates will be more effectively removed with a slower flow rate. Denitrifying bacteria work better with a trickle filter set up as the contact time is...
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    Slowing Flow Rate.

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    Slowing Flow Rate.

    I have the a jewel 180 and want to slow the internal filter down. I can get it down to 280 l/h by changing the pump, but ideally want it to be lower than this. Any ideas (other than changing the filter)
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    Guppies Dying

    Apart from the plants, and some slight water movement from the filter there is no other oxygenation methods - there are roughly 12 plants (made some cuttings from others). Tanks is just over 60 litres, so shouldnt have been over stocked with the guppies - unless people count neons as 1 inch of...
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    Guppies Dying

    Tanks has been re-set up approx three months, only had 4 neons and three small harlequins. Due to a slight algae burst, 4 small ottos were added aprox two weeks ago. Mum decided to add 6 guppies. Tank is medium planted (no co2) and all seemed fine. Then the guppies (and just the guppies...
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    Cherry Shrimp In North Wales Area

    Anyone here (I know there are a few from my area) know where I can get some from?? There was one place, but it closed down :sad: . Better still, anyone in the same area want to get rid of some/willing to donate some. (nothing like being cheeky :hyper: )
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    Help Needed

    Cant find an addy for them either! Only thing i can think of is to modify the hood and put my own light on (but thats like hard work!)
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    Help Needed

    Hello. I nned some help. My mum has a (aquael?) Pearl 55 bow fronted fish tank - the hood is all in one with the pump filter etc, the heater slots into the lid and the light is clipped to the lid. Problem is - I dropped the transformer for the light unit and it cracked open. Is it possible...
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    Make Cucumber Sink...

    Nope, at the moment, i am last to know :nod:
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    Oto Or Amano Shrimp Onwers... Or Hair Algae Owners!

    Probably s stupid question - did you take the carbon out of the filter? otherwise, it'll soak up the interpret.
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    Leveling A Tank

    I have same prob with a Jewel tank (currently sitting empty in the alcove) I used corrogated cardboard before, but couldnt get it dead level. Dont really fancing altering the stang with it being no more than chipboard, and documents/instructions with tank say NOT to use polystyrene. Just for...
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    discoonect electrics, drop the lighting in the water (assuming your tubes are waterproof) - instant live fish food
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    Picking Fish To Go With Neons. Help Please :d

    Dont wish to add more confusion, but isnt 4.5 litres a UK gallon? least thats how they sell it in the petrol station
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    Stocking Plans

    Seen hatchet fish down my end quite regular
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    Heater Failed

    You still may have a claim under the Sales of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) Whilst an above post mentions "fit for purpose" the Act also states an item must last "a reasonable length of time" the length of time is not defined, and has to be looked upon as a case by case basis - woul most people...
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    Co2 And Lighting

    All i have to do now is convince mum its needed and wont blow up the house.... and find the money for a pressurised system. Though I can get hold of paintball cannisters and a supply of cod (COD?? CO2 sounds better ) fairly easily - just the controlling the flow rate etc (which i dont fully...
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    Co2 And Lighting

    Tank is 180litres/39.5 UK gallons filter floss was just a mini brainwave really - was unsure it would do. Just have to wait it out.
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    Co2 And Lighting

    Moved?? could have sworn I posted in here. Anyway, as I havnt had a reply, I'll add a little. In order to help kick start a filter, some people advise mature filter media. However, if this is not possible, would filter floss be acceptable ( although not as effective)
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    Co2 And Lighting

    Planning on starting my tank up this weekend, which will be first (proper) planted tank. I cant really afford a co2 unit (i know there are diy jobbies, but feel these can be hard to manage) and i only have roughly 1.2 wpg - would co2 be essential? I apreciate plants would not grow as quickly...
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    Lots Of Problems

    I had algae in my tank like that before, very coarse, and stuck fast to the glass - and nothing shifted it. Only way I found to get rid of it was to place the tank in the dark (use a blanket or something) for about 7 - 10 days
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    Clown Loach And Shrimps

    Simple question..... Can these be safely kept together? No idea what shrimp cos they aitn mine, but they have been rehoused temporarily as ownr doesnt wnat them to become "munchies"
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    Such A Thing As Over Oxygenation?

    How can you get 105% saturation?? Surely 100% is the maximum. Further, oxygen at high levels isnt just toxic to fish, but to all living aerobes - its why humans age - oxygen damages the cells over time.
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    Cruel IMO!

    Given their Head Office is in Tel Aviv, Isreal, I doubt it is Chinese! But keeping fish like that is cruel (whether the pic is fake or not) And i have even seen Fighting fish kept in SMALLER tanks, literally about 3 inches square - things hardly had room to turn round (and this was at a...
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    Maidenhead Aquatics............

    Just looked at this post (been away a few days) G;ad to see it wasnt just me that thought MA was in MAidenhead :D
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    Planted Tanks And Substrates

    Didnt think so - that was my UNeducated guess, given there is no regulation
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    Planted Tanks And Substrates

    I will soon be setting up my first planted tank (although i hav ekept fish for quite some time) I have been reading around, read about various subsrtaes and plants and all else. The most recent was of a soil based substrate and i was thinking of going with this model. Does anyone have any...
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    Soil Substrate Planted Tanks (gravel Topped)

    DOH! never thought of looking there
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    Soil Substrate Planted Tanks (gravel Topped)

    Its one of the options I have looked into when i finally get round to setting the tank up. Anyone have or had one of thee in the past that can give any further advice? Not really sure on what they are referring to with soil - I assume its not the bog standard garden stuff. Anyway, as you have...
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    Maidenhead Aquatics............

    Theres even one in Northampton - in Wotton (never heard of it)
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    Maidenhead Aquatics............

    Wouldnt York, or Beverley be much easier for you to visit?
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    Maidenhead Aquatics............

    Nearest one to me and there isnt much between the 4) has 180 tropical tanks - that makes about 7 or 8 times bigger than the one I was going to stock from.
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    Maidenhead Aquatics............

    ........ now this may sound stupid to some people, but I have never bothered looking at these guys for one reason, their name, Maidenhead aquatics, would suggest (to me) that it is in MAIDENHEAD. Well, ok, it is, but they have other stores, around 80 of them, and FOUR are less that an hour from...
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    Heater Calibration

    I know this going to sound soft, but how do I go about calibrating my heater (Jewel 200W) Problem I have, is my tank now displays an internal air temp (its empty) of between 75 and 77 F, therefore water would be roughly the same eventually. This makes it difficult to calibrate the heater to...
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    I did know about the fins, but always thought (and was told ) colour was an easier indicator ..... I stand corrected ..... and will go back to the lfs, which I havnt used for a while anyway, and give him a slap.
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    Generally, males are coolourful, whilst females are dull and boring ( in colour that is)
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    Bargain On E-bay

    I would evict the parents myself
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    I would suggest that your 4ft tank is more than 30 gallons. I have a 3ft tank , not too sure of width and depth (is a Vision 180, the bow fronted one) and that is 39 gallons.
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    Jewel Filters (pumps)

    Have another queation now also - after a visit this morning to my lfs. Can the flow rate on the pump be altered or is it constant? Its a 400 pump if i remember rightly. Also, how do you take the apart to clean? the bottom is easy enough, just twist off, but what about the pump and the...
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    I always thought the Green Taipan Snake had the most lethal venom. Cant say I have ever heard of a crane fly having venom, or even being poisonous - my old cat used to eat them if they came in