Slowing Flow Rate.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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I have the a jewel 180 and want to slow the internal filter down. I can get it down to 280 l/h by changing the pump, but ideally want it to be lower than this.

Any ideas (other than changing the filter)
I have the a jewel 180 and want to slow the internal filter down. I can get it down to 280 l/h by changing the pump, but ideally want it to be lower than this.

Any ideas (other than changing the filter)

I dont know the reason why you wish to do this but anyway why dont you just remove the filter altogether and buy a smaller internal.
Not sure if this would work, but, maybe cut off a couple of blades from the impeller?

EDIT : Probably wouldn't have the desired effect, since the impeller would still be spinning at the same speed. So, water would be pumped at the original velocity (which is what you're trying to reduce?) , but the flow rate would be reduced.

Or maybe I'm talking total b******s :blush:
I thought Juwel internal filters were recommended for planted tanks - that suggests the flow shouldn't be too strong as it is.
I dont know the reason why you wish to do this but anyway why dont you just remove the filter altogether and buy a smaller internal.

I only want to slow the flow through the filter, I wish to keep the capacity of the filter itself. My main reason for doing this is that the nitrates will be more effectively removed with a slower flow rate. Denitrifying bacteria work better with a trickle filter set up as the contact time is longer.

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