Soil Substrate Planted Tanks (gravel Topped)


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Its one of the options I have looked into when i finally get round to setting the tank up. Anyone have or had one of thee in the past that can give any further advice? Not really sure on what they are referring to with soil - I assume its not the bog standard garden stuff.

Anyway, as you have probably guessed, this is for a planted (community) tank with likes of neons, platties, swords, cories etc. Was going to have mollies, but with salt needed that would rule out the cories, so will probably replace with rosy or golden barbs (which apparently are peaceful fish, but I havnt looked into this yet.)
I've got tetra complete substrate in one of my tanks, covered with a layer of sand. The tetra substrate is like peat and contains all the nutrients for the plant roots.

There's various types of substrates that are nutrient rich. Laterite is one, where you mix it in with some gravel, then place normal gravel on top. Or there's Ada Aquasoil, that's one of the best ones out but can also create an ammonia spike when it's added. If you look in the planted forum here you'll find more on the different substrates.
I've got tetra complete substrate in one of my tanks, covered with a layer of sand. The tetra substrate is like peat and contains all the nutrients for the plant roots.

There's various types of substrates that are nutrient rich. Laterite is one, where you mix it in with some gravel, then place normal gravel on top. Or there's Ada Aquasoil, that's one of the best ones out but can also create an ammonia spike when it's added. If you look in the planted forum here you'll find more on the different substrates.

DOH! never thought of looking there

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