Co2 And Lighting


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Planning on starting my tank up this weekend, which will be first (proper) planted tank. I cant really afford a co2 unit (i know there are diy jobbies, but feel these can be hard to manage) and i only have roughly 1.2 wpg - would co2 be essential? I apreciate plants would not grow as quickly etc, but as long as they at least help keep my stats in check, I'll be satisfied.

could have sworn I posted in here.

Anyway, as I havnt had a reply, I'll add a little. In order to help kick start a filter, some people advise mature filter media. However, if this is not possible, would filter floss be acceptable ( although not as effective)
Actually, I think that with 1.2WpG pressurised CO2 wouldn't be wise...

That said, if you do decide to go down the DiY route, pressurised now costs as much as a yeast setup (assuming you buy a kit; otherwise it will cost the same after a couple of months of sugar and yeast :p)
How big is the tank?

Filter floss wont work as its still not mature.

What is the best type of lighting to grow plants, with fish still in the tank? And whats the best type of plants to grow for the fish?

How big is the tank?

Filter floss wont work as its still not mature.


Tank is 180litres/39.5 UK gallons

filter floss was just a mini brainwave really - was unsure it would do. Just have to wait it out.
If it were my tank, Id add some Co2, you're nearly at the magical 2WPG and you might find you have algae problems if you don't run CO2. That said, doing DIY on a 180lt tank is going to cost quite a bit anyway and also be a right pain, you'll be changing a yeast mix almost daily, so your only real option is pressurised :)

Yeh you'll have to wait out the cycling period like everyone else!

All i have to do now is convince mum its needed and wont blow up the house.... and find the money for a pressurised system. Though I can get hold of paintball cannisters and a supply of cod (COD?? CO2 sounds better ) fairly easily - just the controlling the flow rate etc (which i dont fully understand even though I have read loads here) Also, seems others have tried the paintball route and seem to be having problems with the cannister fitting to regulators and such
You absolutely DON'T need co2 with 1.2wpg. Really you acutally 'need' it if your over 2wpg, but even then sometimes in smaller tanks its not so.

You basically can grow java fern and moss, anubias species, crypts, amazons swords would be alright with some root tabs. Dose Seachem flourish once a week and your good. No co2 needed.
What lighting do you have? I think I might have arsed up here, I thought you were at 1.8WPG, but it seems you're at 1.2WPG, in which case Mako Man is right you dont need CO2. Sorry, lead you down the wrong path here. My bad.

BTW the WPG 'rule' is worked out using US gallons, so you've actually got a lower WPG than you think if you worked it out using UK gallons.


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