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    Anyone ever watch Babylon 5?

    I had to spend about 5 minuets staring at the pic before I finnaly saw it, very true resembles a betta :)
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    gouramis and bettas?

    I have a friend who mixed a dwarf gourami and betta together, the betta kept flaring at the dwarf gourami, in the end she had to separate them. I dont think they are a good match.
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    Gold Gouramis

    I too have two goldens. They can be agressive towards eachother, but dont usually bother with other fish. They usually swim around in the morning, but then spend the rest of the time just sitting in the back. Ive seen other gouramis do this too, so I dont think its too odd of a behavior...
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    Tell Me If This Isn't Stupid!

    Sorry to hear that you are having problems :( Your gourami and angel might work it out. I, and a friend both keep gouramis and angels together without any problems, so maybe the same will happen for you :)
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    Tigers Doing Handstands

    Yes, barbs are famous for going nose down when nitrite is present. Did you test your water?
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    pictus questions

    A little over a year.
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    what can i put with a betta in a 3 gallon tank?

    I gotta say from experience that they do great in pairs :)
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    betta in vase, which plants?

    You should NEVER put a plant OVER a betta tank. Bettas are labrynth fish, they need to breathe the air that the plant would be cutting off. A 3 gal. vase is nice, but best to minus the plant. Why dont you put an aquatic plant IN the vase?
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    I think two angels in a 32 gal. is OK. I have kept mine in a 30 gal. for a year, and he still continues to grow :)
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    No, a 6 gal. is way too small for an angelfish, I wouldnt put one in anything less than a 25 gal.
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    Male Beta, Question..

    The frog you have is probably an ADF (African dwarf frog). They are usually fine with bettas, the only problem I have heared with this senario was the frog nipping on the bettas fins. The frogs are really slow, so I dont know if I believe this much. They should be fine together.
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    what can i put with a betta in a 3 gallon tank?

    Tetras like to be in schools, Id go with two ottos or two corys.
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    pictus questions

    IMO you can keep four pictus cats in a 55 gal. I have a pictus that is almost 6", she has been that size for quite a while and I dont think she is gunna get any bigger :)
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    betta tank sizes

    Hehe, with appetites like bettas have, I will definately agree with that :)
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    betta tank sizes

    Maybe the bubblenest alone isnt proof, but there are other factors, you can just tell a happy fish, especially a betta. They are active and greet you when you come in a room, they look physically healthy (strong color, nice fins) and throw teh bubble nest on top of that, and Id say you have a...
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    betta tank sizes

    I know because they build bubble nests :)
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    what fish is this???

    Id say lambchop rasbora too, they are too light to be harlequin's :)
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    I agree that we need to know the ammount of gallons before we can give appropriate suggestions. KnuckleHead, I wasn't saying you dont know your stuff (about 3 angels) just a difference in experience :)
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    betta tank sizes

    I keep all my bettas in 2 gal.s and they are all perfectly happy.
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    I have had my angel alone for over a year now and she is fine. The general rule is to get one or 6 plus (but for that you need about a 55 gal. tank). I wouldnt get 3, because if two of them pair up the other is left alone. One would be fine :)
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    Loaches & Corys

    I have sucessfuly kept small yoyo loaches with corys before, although I know of someone who had a yoyo that terrorized his corys. Yoyos are best to be kept in groups of three to keep agression down and they do eat left overs on the substrate. Dont know much about clowns except that they get...
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    Hardiest Fish

    You have gotta be kidding? Neons are one of the most fargile FW fish about.
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    Albino Pleco ?

    Yep, I used to have one. They are basically just like a common pleco only in albino form :)
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    Id keep the chiclid out and go for the gourami, 3 corys is great :) Personally I think your tank would look best if you had just one larger school (5 or 6) of either tetras or danios, although you could do both. If you go with that option be sure to keep up on the water changes. It is good to...
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    Fish Mix

    Try not to put neons with angels, angels are known for eating them, and like already mentioned, neons are the angels food in the wild.
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    3female in 1 gallon tank

    Personally, I think three females is too many for a one gallon, then again, I dont think I would put anything besides fry or ghost shrimp in a one gal.
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    LOL very true that danios can be hard to catch. You could cycle with something else, just keep up on your water changes. The only other bottom feeders I would suggest for a 10 gal. are yo-yo loaches, corys would be better though as you could fit more in without over stocking. Tetras are...
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    3female in 1 gallon tank

    There is probably some agression because there are three female bettas in a 1 gal. The tank is a little over stocked. Maybe if you put them in their own tanks they will calm down. Also, did you cycle the tank?
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    I wouldnt put a betta with a dwarf gourami, Ive heared of this happening before and the betta would keep flaring at the dwarf gourami. Corys like to be in groups, 3 would be a good number :) Most tetras are not hardy and not usually used for cycling tanks. What do you think of danios? They...
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    Crowntail bettas

    They usually have reasons for flaring. Mine flare when feeling threatened, at their reflection and one of them when I feed him (kind of a 'my food' type of thing) ;)
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    Betta Foods

    I feed my bettas HBH Betta bites as well as dried blood worms. They love them :)
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    Crowntail bettas

    They are not always flared, although the tail is large enough to notice a CT at first sight.
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    Crowntail bettas

    The tails on CT's are two colors. Usually the inner color closest to the body is the same color as the body. The outer part of the tail is usually clear. Around here in California CT's are difficult to find. Heres an example :)