what can i put with a betta in a 3 gallon tank?


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
England, Luton
i got a betta in a heated aquarium, its 3 gallons

its not much but what could i put in?

thanks bye!
:- sorry dunno y i put that there!
there's not much room left. maybe like a tetra (would that work people?? i'm not sure but that's what my neighbor has...a neon tetra. they are fine together)
Tetras like to be in schools, Id go with two ottos or two corys.
Otos and corys are also schooling fish and shouldn't be in groups less than 3 (6-8 is preferable).
a pair of Cories would be nice, or some Ghost Shrimp, or an African Dwarf Frog. a trio of Platties may fit, but you'd probably be pushing it.
Starfish said:
I gotta say from experience that they do great in pairs :)
I'd say they'll live in pairs, but won't do great unless in a bigger group. When I started out with fishkeeping I only had a couple of cories and they were pretty shy, would mainly hide. Now I have 7 of them and they move around in daytime and are generally more active. If it's possible to say this about fish, I'd say they look happy now when in a group.

I also wouldn't put a couple of cories in a 3g, it's just too small for them.
SO THAT PROBABLY MEANS 3 GUPPIES R OUT OF THE QUESTION?!!! :( ah i really wanted 3 guppies in with the betta :-(
guppies with a betta, a big no-no. guppies have fancy fins and the betta could mistaken them for other bettas and kill them. that and you really don't have the room. i know a number of people on here have african dwarf frogs that are doing great. bettas are pretty solitary critters anyway. maybe you could a second tank and put them side by side and put another betta in there (because you'll soon learn that one betta just isn't enough :D ) and they can flare at each other but not actually kill each other. or put guppies in it, since you really want some. :)
i have my betta living with a frog. they seem to enjoy eachothers company, and the froggie really cleans up the place by picking up anything that falls to the floor. :fish:

thank you guys,

i just got 4 guppies in my 3 gallon tank is that ok?

they bettas gone to my next door neighbours coz i really want guppies, i guess the betta will be happier there anyway!!! they have a nice aquarium!

so is 4 guppies ok?

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