3female in 1 gallon tank


New Member
Sep 28, 2003
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i have 3 female bettas for my son i got at wal- mart and i have had 2 for a week and i just got a new one today and i was wondering if it was normal for one of the 3 to be dominate? any help would be appreciated

i have a 55 gallon take
2 20 gallon fish
1 12 gallon tank
2 1 gallon tank
fish i have are 5 angel fish and about 200 eggs
guppies tetras 1 - 7 in sucker fish and 3 bettas
red fin tetras
and some other breeds that i don't know off the top of my head
There is probably some agression because there are three female bettas in a 1 gal. The tank is a little over stocked. Maybe if you put them in their own tanks they will calm down. Also, did you cycle the tank?
Also don't forget bettas live as a heirachy...therefore they are also establishing a 'pecking' order they will be aggressive to each other for there whole lives...there bettas :D
i would separated them in something so small. u could get them each a 1gal and maybe an african dwarf frog as a friend. my female does nicely alone. and yes there always is a top betta
Personally, I think three females is too many for a one gallon, then again, I dont think I would put anything besides fry or ghost shrimp in a one gal.
I have three females and one male in a 10g tank I can't see how you can put 3 females in a 1g tank :/

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