betta in vase, which plants?


New Member
Aug 28, 2003
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Hi everyone,

I just recently moved my betta into a vase, he currently was in a 10 gallon with 2 tiger barbs, 1 black cherry barb, 1 albino barb, and 1 green barb. I hade a diverder up and gave him about 3 gallons to himself but he didn't seem to happy, examples would be that he world always lay at the bottom or he'd just swim up and down the glass.

Anyway no I got him in a 3 gallon vase and I was wondering what kinds of plants I could put over it so he could have some roots to play in.

A name and picture of plants(or link) would be appreciated

they usually use peace lilies but.........i would not recomend having a betta in a vase. the roots on most plants will rot in the water and then end up poisoning the water! if u keep him in the vase don't put a plant on top just get a really tall aquarium plant or something like giant fountains.....o ya btw is the vase tall or more flat?
I do not believe bettas should be kept in a vase - they need swimming space and they need clean water, neither of which they can get in a vase.

Then again, its better than keeping him with tiger barbs - they'll shred his fins.

A small tank with a little filter is the best thing to keep him in.
Anyway no I got him in a 3 gallon vase and I was wondering what kinds of plants I could put over it so he could have some roots to play in.

imo, nothing. i see the vases/plant combo as a showpiece for the sake of being a showpeice, not for the sake of the betta. why not put an aquatic plant IN in the vase? by doing that you'll actually help the water quality while giving him something to play in. both of my bettas have elk horn java fern in their tanks and they love it. they rest on the leaves and weave their way through the plants. it's a much better alternative not to mention, it looks great.
Hi ninja. :)

A 3 gallon vase is pretty big, but how much surface area does it have? If you put plants in it, you are reducing this area and possibly making access to it difficult for your fish. This is important because bettas, being air breathers, need to get to the surface to breathe.

Another consideration with keeping it in a planted vase is that if it is tall and narrow, like some vases are, it could be more easily tipped over with plants sticking out the top.
well, i must say he's probably better off in the vase then with the Barbs, but there should be no plant sticking out of it. it can be tipped over and it will release toxins into the water, and may also cover up surface area and your Betta could drown.

keep him in the vase for now, but try and get him a wide-surfaced bowl or tank soon, like an Aquatank, Eclipse or Mini-Bow system, or a Penn-Plax or Betta Kit tank. even a common fish bowl would do, provided it's in a lighted place and covered. in any of these tanks a few live or silk plants and a save of some sort would splice things up and make the Betta nice and happy, but while he's in the vase avoid any live plants. anchor a silk one down it you think he needs a resting place.
You should NEVER put a plant OVER a betta tank. Bettas are labrynth fish, they need to breathe the air that the plant would be cutting off. A 3 gal. vase is nice, but best to minus the plant. Why dont you put an aquatic plant IN the vase?
How about posting a pic of your vase? This will help dramatically with the advice you seek. Those vase and plant get that the (insert store here) sell are only for making money. No research has gone into the needs of the fish. And why would they? If the fish dies in there, the stores are betting youll come back and buy another.
Thanks everyone for your replies.

I've decided to just use the vase as a temporary thing until I can get a real big bowl around 5 gallons

The vase is basically a bowl with a neck on the top. My grandma had a betta in a vase with a plant on top and it drowned because the plant grew to big so he couldn't get any air. My plan was to trim the plant but I didn't know the roots could contamiate the water. Right now I got It filled up 2/3irds of the way so he can have maximum surface area.
Good choice, ninja! :thumbs:

And I'm glad to see that you are only filling your vase to the point where it can get maximum surface area. He's a lucky betta to have you as an owner. :nod:

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