Crowntail bettas

The difference is in the fins. Most lfs will are stocked with the standard veils that true betta breeders call mutts. They are a mix of everything. Crowntails are what you would say pure bred and can have a hefty price depending on the color.
You can pay anywhere from $6-$40 for ever fish. They are better to bredd with, you'll get better fry aand you'll have less amount of defromaties. My LFS sells then for $7 a piece, well they sell the veils for $3. Yes, you can find them in most LFS.
Ron said:
You can pay anywhere from $6-$40 for ever fish. They are better to bredd with, you'll get better fry aand you'll have less amount of defromaties. My LFS sells then for $7 a piece, well they sell the veils for $3. Yes, you can find them in most LFS.
Ok, thanks for the info.
Starfish said:
The tails on CT's are two colors. Usually the inner color closest to the body is the same color as the body. The outer part of the tail is usually clear. Around here in California CT's are difficult to find. Heres an example :)
Are their fins usually flared like that all the time or only when threatened?
They are not always flared, although the tail is large enough to notice a CT at first sight.
They usually have reasons for flaring. Mine flare when feeling threatened, at their reflection and one of them when I feed him (kind of a 'my food' type of thing) ;)

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