Tell Me If This Isn't Stupid!


Fish Crazy
Sep 21, 2003
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New York
Alright. My family got this 30 gallon tank for putting in fish that everyone wants. We did all the water level checks and everything was good. So I put my only angelfish from my ten gallon in, and one of my sisters put in her 3 danios from her ten gallon. My dad thinks the sister who put the danios in tank is over crowding. So what does he do? Puts two gouramis in the tank. Now, I tell my dad the gouramis and angel wouldn't get along. And because my angel was part of the current community you can't add them. But my dad, thinking he knew all about fish (He can't even sex live barers) does it anyway. Well, as I and you probably guess my angel starts nipping at the both of them. Mostly during feeding, but he was still nipping. So now my other two sisters wana add fish. They go out, and what do they buy? An angel, 1/4 the size of mine. I warned my sisters and my dad that the angels wouldn't get along. And that chances are my big angel is gonna really hurt the little one. But my sister's reply is "You have a tank! I don't I am gonna add the fish" and my dad said "They will pair off" (This from a man who kept fish 20 years ago, for 4 years and can barely remember to turn the stove off). I told him the angel my sister wanted was too small and they won't pair until it is bigger. So they get it anyway (Because they don't listen to my advice) And guess what happens? The big angel doesn't let the little angel swim up from behind the plants. When he does, the big angel chases him down. So now I am saying "I told ya so" and my dad decides it doesn't center around my one fish in the tank and seperates it claiming "Its gonna learn!".

Now, it would be different if I added my fish after all the other fish where established. But I added my angel before the gouramis and little angelfish where added. Tell me this isn't stupid. WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LISTEN TO ME?!?!?!?!
-pats back-

it's impossible to tell little kids what to do, and you know how parents are. they 'know everything' and call us little now-it-alls!

Ha and not only this, but my father thought it was good to add salt to my tank full of corys and tetras when I told him not to when I was at school!
Kimmy-You are a good writer. Always get a laugh out of me.

Anyway, does your dad even relize that he's messing up the tank?? I think you need to remind him of all the things he's messed up and tell him to look at this site and try to find info on the fish you have to show him. Maybe then he'll understand that you know a lot about fish.
He thinks I am focussing too much on my angelfish. What I am REALLY doing is thinking of the community of the tank. He said "You weren't right!". I have turned from anger, to laughing now. I laugh right at his face :D
Right what i suggest is that first you edit your posts of insulting remarks about your father (dont worry i agree with you) and then show him this post.

Gouramis dont make good tankmates for angel fish, fish arent the most intelligent creatures and if something looks alike they will often treat it as theyre own, in this case a territorial cichlid (the angel) is not going to be happy at a invader to his space which it thinks maybe another angel fish.
The same goes for adding new angel fish to the tank, unless the new fish is capable of standing up for its self then the dominant fish will bully the new addition/s.
Amazonian species like angel fish do not tolerate salt well and it should not be added to their tanks even as a medication
Your right, I shouldn't call him stupid. But I was really ticked off.

The angel is in a breeder net, isolated from the community. My dad thinks when we re introduce him to the tank he will be calmer. I think, when we put him into the tank he is gonna try to re establish his territory and become more violent than before. :crazy:
If my parents ever acted like that to one of my tanks that is maintained by ME and told me how to run it, I think they would wake up in the middle of the night with a Pacu in their bed. :shifty:

If it were me, I'd let the angel back into the tank, let the kids learn their lesson the hard way. if they can't understand that fish are predatory, they should learn as soon as possable befor they come home with a "cute little baby oscar" :crazy:

but thats just me.
Definatly show him this forum. Some people just dont like to be proved wrong, especially when it comes from their own children. Trust me I know as Im a father myself. Have you tried talking him into returning the angel and purchasing a large one? Or you could place the little one in the 10g to grow out a little more before reintroducing.
He is the most stubborn man I know. He keeps insisting I am wrong! He won't listen to a thing I say and is keeping my angelfish in the breeder for a week!! :crazy:
Since hes that stubborn try puting yours back in to the 10 for the week. That way he wont be as stressed in the net. A breeders net is entirely too small to house an angel even if it is for a week.
Sorry to hear that you are having problems :(

Your gourami and angel might work it out. I, and a friend both keep gouramis and angels together without any problems, so maybe the same will happen for you :)
I think you have to decide between the two of you who's tank it is. Sounds like it was supposed to be yours, but then your family kind of took over. With fish tanks, as with many things in life, too many cooks can spoil the broth.

I've had my own animals of various kinds since 9 years old. My animals were in my room and no one (not even my mother) interfered. If your father wants a tank, he should get his own tank I think. If he isn't keen to let you be in charge of this tank, perhaps he'd let you have your own 20 gallon in your bedroom, which would be yours and yours alone?

I suspect you'll get nowhere by locking horns with him. In fact, by arguing you might actually make things worse because he'll dig his heals in. I'd probably say to back off for the moment. Maybe use my mothers tactic of asking questions in order to pass information over, such as "Don't you think that angelfish looks a bit miserable in that breeding net?"
When I moved my angel, I figured he wouldn't be comming back into my tank. So I made my tank the tetra tank :crazy: So I can't add him back into my ten gallon its stocked to the brim right now.

The tank WAS meant for everyone. But I paid for half of it. And I am the one who is gonna end up doing the water changes, taking care of the sick fish and general up keep of the tank because I wanted this more than anyone :(.

I still say the angel is gonna try to re establish it's self once he is let back into the tank. I
KimmyFishy89 said:
When I moved my angel, I figured he wouldn't be comming back into my tank. So I made my tank the tetra tank :crazy: So I can't add him back into my ten gallon its stocked to the brim right now.

The tank WAS meant for everyone. But I paid for half of it. And I am the one who is gonna end up doing the water changes, taking care of the sick fish and general up keep of the tank because I wanted this more than anyone :(.

I still say the angel is gonna try to re establish it's self once he is let back into the tank. I
If you want to establish dominance, let one little pacu represent you in the community tank. :hyper:

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