betta tank sizes

what size do you use the most

  • 1/2 gallon or smaller

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  • 1 gallon+

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  • 2 gallon+

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  • 3 gallon+

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  • 5 gallon or bigger

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New Member
Sep 28, 2003
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this is just to see how many of you , keep betta in those poor 1 gallon crap tanks or vases, and if anybody disagrees with me and thinks these are ok, ill be glad to talk with you over it
excuse me, but i happen to keep a boy in one of those gallon crap tanks and it's working out very well. the vases i would never consider keeping a Betta in, but the tanks are fine so long as they are properly cared for.
well i would rather c my bettas in something bigger but they seem very happy in my 1/2 gallons. i don't have room 4 anything else and if they looked upset i wouldn't keep them in there. but even my female makes bubble nests so i dunno it works well 4 me!
My betta "butters" :D is in a 3 gallon filtered aquarium. I had him in a 1.5 gallon bowl for a little while, but he swims around way to much to be in anything smaller then what he has now.
my cousin kept her Betta in on of the quart hexes and when she gave him to a friend he was moved into a 5 gallon tank as the first fish there.

think of a claustrophobic person, but backwards. he went insane and hid in a corner, clamped his fins and played dead until she scooped him out. he flopped around a lot and everytime she put him back he 'died' again, until she finally gave up and put him back in the hex, where he wiggled happily and blew bubbles!

it's all in the Betta...
first off, ill state a few facts that support my claim, if you wanna fo the same feel free, im not the kinda person not to lissen , i just need something to change my minds
1. the average life span for a betta in 1 gallon or smaller with the best of care is 2 1/2 years, the lifespan of a betta with the proper care is 7+ years.

2. just because a animal can survive does not mean its happy or healthy.

3. even the worst of fish rules like 1inch of fish per gallon of water, even makes these tanks way to small.

4. the average 1 gallon tank, comes with a so called undergravel filter, these filter do not work, and what little filth they do collect just stays in the bottom and countinous to rot, raising the amonia in the tank. and replaceing all the water does nothing but restart a cycle that probably hasent finished in the first place.

5. a normal 1 gallon is at the most 6 inches long or wide, giving the betta little more than twice its body length to swim, which turns to less movement and a deteration of certain muscles which lead to a early death.

6. the average betta , was no heat, which a 1 gallon is very hard to get a heater for, yes they are avaliable but few places sell them and they are not very relable, and a betta is a tropical fish and does prefer a higher temp than room temp.

there are many more reasons, but these are just a few that apply to most ppl.

o yeah Bettaboyz there are so many things that could have caused it , and i serousily doubt it was the size of the tank and if it was there was probably little cover or places to hide, leaving the betta feeling insecure , which retreating to the corner is a sign of that, this is realy the only time ive heard of a tank size effecting a fish except when its to small.
If your going to come in here and slam everyone that keeps bettas in smaller tank you need to back up your facts. For all we know you could have pulled them off the top of your head.
I gotta agree with KnuckleHead there. Whats the point of coming here pretty much just to argue with whoever keeps a betta in a smaller tank then 5gallons!
first off im not slamming any body, im trying to help some poor little betta, ive seen so many ppl on this site with these little tiny tanks, and when i see something wrong i say something i dont stand around and watch

next if you want i can get you the source of all these facts or better yet like a true keeper you could do the research and, and i dont mean going to a few care sheets. i mean actuall research like i have done, and yeah i did keep bettas in those tanks, and yeah ive been at the same place you are now, trying to tell some one thats its fine. And to this day i have yet to see a single fact besides that a betta can survive a small tank that even supports the idea.

And the fact that you dont even try to defend your point of veiw says alot to me.
I keep all my bettas in 2 gal.s and they are all perfectly happy.
well i did say 2 gallons were a minium and would be okay , bu how do you know its happy, im not trying to be rude but im allways interested in how ppl come to think they are happy, maybe your right i just like to learn why ppl think it
First off your the one coming here telling everyone that small tanks are crap. Since your the instigator you need to be prepared with resources to back up your claims. The burden of proof myfriend isnt on me. Its on you. You say most are wrong and thats ok, just prove it. I personnely keep all my bettas in 10g tanks only because I like the larger tanks and the options available for them.
Well...this is a controversy in the making

I'll agree that every fish deserves a cycled tank & believe it or not a 1 gallon tank can be cycled and maintained with no problems, with proper care of course. Using a turkey baster to "gravel vac" works great for weekly 25 -50 % water changes, without using a cheesy ug filter, or any filter

I personally house 20+ bettas,1 lives in a 10 gallon (because he's spoiled) 4 of which reside in 1 gallon tanks & they're very active & lively, the others have 2's & 2.5's , some shared (divided) and some flying solo, and each according to that particular bettas preferance. 1 gallon's suit some bettas perfectly, as a matter of fact I can think of 2 or 3 of mine that really have tooo much room in a 2 because they don't use the space since they're lazy bums & other's who parade all over their 2's with glee.

As far as heat goes...that's up to the caretaker of the fish to place them out of a draft and in someplace cozy and I believe that anybody who has enough concern for their fish to get them a nice house of their own would also be concerned about their fishes comfort. And in addition....anybody who's a member of a fish forum is also deeply concerned about gaining knowledge as how to care for their fish.You may have better results spreading your knowledge to the people in the chain stores who buy bettas and little bitty bowls, most of the people here know their bettas well & how to house them and tend to their needs :) . The point being, each betta has different needs, and a loving home is 1000x better than a cold cup in a dept store wondering if you'll live long enough to see your next meal.
wuvmybetta said:
Well...this is a controversy in the making

I'll agree that every fish deserves a cycled tank & believe it or not a 1 gallon tank can be cycled and maintained with no problems, with proper care of course. Using a turkey baster to "gravel vac" works great for weekly 25 -50 % water changes, without using a cheesy ug filter, or any filter

I personally house 20+ bettas,1 lives in a 10 gallon (because he's spoiled) 4 of which reside in 1 gallon tanks & they're very active & lively, the others have 2's & 2.5's , some shared (divided) and some flying solo, and each according to that particular bettas preferance. 1 gallon's suit some bettas perfectly, as a matter of fact I can think of 2 or 3 of mine that really have tooo much room in a 2 because they don't use the space since they're lazy bums & other's who parade all over their 2's with glee.

As far as heat goes...that's up to the caretaker of the fish to place them out of a draft and in someplace cozy and I believe that anybody who has enough concern for their fish to get them a nice house of their own would also be concerned about their fishes comfort. And in addition....anybody who's a member of a fish forum is also deeply concerned about gaining knowledge as how to care for their fish.You may have better results spreading your knowledge to the people in the chain stores who buy bettas and little bitty bowls, most of the people here know their bettas well & how to house them and tend to their needs :) . The point being, each betta has different needs, and a loving home is 1000x better than a cold cup in a dept store wondering if you'll live long enough to see your next meal.
Stated very well!!!
pharoh08 said:
well i did say 2 gallons were a minium and would be okay , bu how do you know its happy, im not trying to be rude but im allways interested in how ppl come to think they are happy, maybe your right i just like to learn why ppl think it
I know because they build bubble nests :)

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