Loaches & Corys


New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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Spring, Texas

I have a 75 gallon community aquarium. I would like to get some loaches (yo - yo or clown) and some corys, I just have a few questions.

1. Do loaches (yo - yo or clown) get along with corys?
2. Do loaches "clean" the substrate i.e. bottom feeders/dwellers like corys?
3. What is the minimum number of loaches to get? I read for clowns it's 3, is it different for yo - yo's?
4. What is the minimum number of corys to get?

My clown loaches get along very well with my corys. They LOVE each other. It is fun to watch them get along so well. My loaches do clean the bottom of the tank. I am not sure how many you could have................better to have someone more experienced answer that question for you. I have the following in a 60 gallon hex tank.
6 tiger barbs
4 cherry barbs
2 green corys
2 jilli corys
1 elegance cory
2 ottos
1 clown loach{2 more to be added soon-they are in a holding tank}

I also have a 15 gallon holding tank with 8 cherry barbs and 2 clown loaches.

I went to the pet shop tonight AND SAW SOME TIGER LOACHES.................they were so cute. They'll probably be in my stats on tomorrow nights posts!! :p

Deb :nod:
I have sucessfuly kept small yoyo loaches with corys before, although I know of someone who had a yoyo that terrorized his corys. Yoyos are best to be kept in groups of three to keep agression down and they do eat left overs on the substrate. Dont know much about clowns except that they get really big, but you have a tank that can handle that :) The minimum number of corys to have is usually three to keep them happy, although they do OK in pairs or alone :)

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