what fish is this???


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
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hey well i got rid of my problems are have re done my tank it is fully cycled and ready to go, i bought these fish and would just like to know what they are called

help will be appricated


sorry the little guys would not hold still
Yep, they are harlequin rasboras (Rasboro hetromorpha).
CFC said:
Yep, they are harlequin rasboras (Rasboro hetromorpha).
I thought they looked a little pale, but I suppose if they're young fish and haven't been in a cycled tank long, they will probably brighten up. Try feeding some freeze-dried bloodworms - they're great for enhancing colour!
actuallyi believe its a Lambchop Rasbora,

heres a link to check it outlambchop rasbora profile

im pretty sure it is, from the pic they look a little transparent, but its not a great pic :lol:
Id say lambchop rasbora too, they are too light to be harlequin's :)
Well whaddya know... I was going to say they look like rasbora hets to me, and lo and behold, your link says that's what 'lambchop' rasboras are.
thanks guys they are lambchop rasbora

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