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    2 Weeks Of Cycling - Hows It Going?

    nice very nice - neat too u use anything in particular for ur plants - real healthy looking!
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    2 Weeks Of Cycling - Hows It Going?

    @ lym :cool: > def nearly there with that latest result decided on any fish yet?
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    New Fish

    hehehe why poll for a name if the fish is now called pearl!!!
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    What Are These Water Levels Like?

    hi to be honest in my opinion?!!! >> just concentrate on getting the tank cycled - messing with ph can be tricky and has to be done slowly if using fish which seems u are - then ure almost cycled by ur reading need NH4 and NO2 at 0 and small water changes and cut back on feeding can aid this...
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    My First Water Test, How Did I Do?

    ithurtz >>>>>>>>>>>> knows it all - people otherwise why post - get opinions, ask for advice when all we get is childish remarks!!! period
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    2 Weeks Of Cycling - Hows It Going?

    :thumbs: :thumbs: @ lym
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    Red Slate With Gray Specks

    well in that case then - such an aloof comment - chuck any stone in mate!!!! forget the testing to see IF it COULD do any harm > then ooops what if it does!!??? anyway make up your own mind - if u think it'll e ok then add it if not > test.
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    Cycling Help Plz

    hiya yea i wud - ure fishless so no fish to harm rob
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    Cycling Help Plz

    hiya have a read........ rob
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    Needing Help, Please!

    hi can u use a the toe part of a stocking??
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    Plant Ideas For A Freshwater Tank

    hi maybe needs moving this?? maybe research to which fish like certain plants??? any you particularly like the look of? plants will take nitrAtes out of water to use as fertiliser but > the planted section will go into depth about CO2, lighting, plant food etc etc. with like any plant that...
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    Lfs Hates Me!

    hi agreee with wilder truth hurts some people though!!!!!
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    Do U Pet Ur Fish

    my 2 black angels - like to nibble at my hand when doing maintenance and re-arranging plants to enrich their environment also my velvet takes blood worms from between my fingers - is wayyyyy kewl :thumbs:
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    2 Weeks Of Cycling - Hows It Going?

    hi ure ammonia is showing as 0 and ure nitrItes are still 1 as going by the graph = when addin ammonia and then testing it has gone and when NO" is 0 = CYCLED>>>>>>>>>> so ure almost there this helps> > rob
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    Angel In 28 Us Gal?

    hi look here : click on side menu - stocking rates! hth? rob
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    Red Slate With Gray Specks

    hi pour vinegar over it if it fizzes - dont put in the tank otherwise i err on side of caution and buy only "aquarium safe" stones -(thats if they are labelled as so - as i would imagine non-safe are mis-sold
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    Possible Tank Problems - A Bit Of A Read!

    read ur message sycko - theres info in the private message - explains the numbers! really need ammonia reading too
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    Little Specs

    hi is it a "venturi" system on ur filter? this makes tiny bubbles (almost as though tank water looks carbonated!!!!!) these rise to surface and pop increase surface area to allow gas exchange if dont like it then maybe just have a stronger air pump or longer air stone?
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    Tap Water

    hi tetra aquasafe water de-chlorinator - this neutralises CHLORINE and CHLORAMINES (usa) in the tap water many people leave buckets of water standing as the gas is naturally given off over time - i personally dont do this aint got the room for buckets to be about the house (main reason) also...
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    Where Can I Buy Fish Online?

    hiya aquabid if ure in the states - some breeders will ship internationally but obviously DOAS sometimes are not refunded cos of distance shipped
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    Little Specs

    hiya confused........little specs ??? get rid of it all > the specs? eh? > sorri tank size water stats pleese rob
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    hi agree with above about taking angels back if you can - they need immaculate water - and during a cycle is a NO NO (sorry) it possible for you to swap them back at this shop for some danios or barbs as they are hardy fish to cycle with - but try to use fishless cycling...
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    Angel Fish Salt Tolerance?

    hi germ personally would not use salt UNLESS i treid everything else - medicine wise to try to combat a disease or symptoms - many fish that are bred may not have "brackish" conditions and angels certainly dont live in brackish conditions as opposed to mollys look here for a read about...
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    What's In A Name?

    bobbicus - am the youngest out of 5 ! names rob - but people call me bob !!
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    My Angel Fish Died Lastnight?

    hi, would NOT add any more fish get ure water as good as it can be plecs are VERY messy post water stats again - increase aeration give em best possible chance to tolerate whatever condidtions are in your tank when you say you bought fish from a store did you buy a lot at once - as could...
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    Angel Fish Salt Tolerance?

    hi salt can help in certain situations but HAS to be the correct concentration. personally i would allow the fish and their immune systems to fight off disease and get real sharp on tank and water maintenance - this in itself can SOMETIMES do better than adding meds or preventative things to...
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    Everyone's Pet Hate About The Local Fish Shop!

    agree with darkstar i know the large pet chain stores have a lot to do (nuff said) but y oh y do they allow dead fish and the tanks to get into states where it clearly shows not enough staff or too little or no time for maintenance......very sad really suppose when i first started fish...
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    This Is Wrong Right?

    hi obviously you are concerned all you can do is give advice and show piccies of fish in small tanks see how cramped they are - may persuade !!! they may get a bigger tank at some point, as buying new large tanks are very expensive for some people ----- but may be being stubborn cos some...
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    I Think This Guy Likes Fish!

    oh - just a cupple of tanks and fish there!!!!!!!!! deffo a MTS sufferer!! ;)
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    New Fish

    thankx kim!! hehe
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    New Fish

    GOLDEN severum > nugget? just a thought hehe
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    Fish Quiz

    waiting for him to reply!!! and seems it's the first person to get it right asks the next question?? (penny just dropped) derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :S :S :S
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    Fish Quiz

    catfish what are the spawning tubes of angelfish called?
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    Fish Quiz

    beat me to it
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    Nematodes During Fishless Cycling

    hiya This gives a bit of info : - re the worm thingies Not too sure about the white fuzz - post a pic?? also post water stats - maybe water changes are needed - get the cycle back on track? hth? rob
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    What Would You Do With.......?

    hiya hehehe - yeah choice - sometimes is a hinderence!!!! - suppose going to a store with a wide selection is good to see the variation in species and colorings - HOWEVER - prob leave you even more confused as what to get. if you did get a "unsual" colouring of a fish - you could breed them to...
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    What Fish Are These:

    hiya just had a look at the fishes in the pic ------ think they are blue tetras!! look here.............. hehehe we need a poll at this rate ^_^ any advances??? rob
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    What Would You Do With.......?

    hiya kewl - was gonna add in previous post - hope i aint telling you how to suck eggs,...........and in this case - i was!!! must admit only into angels atm BUT some colourings of guppies are quite nice - like a electric blue and varying shades of blue (smart) u any preference or spoilt for...