2 Weeks Of Cycling - Hows It Going?


Feb 20, 2007
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I've been cycling my 100 litre tank now for just over two weeks, I have graphs below showing Ammonia and Nitrites. I tested Nitrates today and that showed as 5.0

Is everything going ok?

Where and how do you add the drops of ammonia? Do you put them straight into the tank then test or mix them in the tube supplied with test kit then add mixture to tank?
Everything looks normal to me. Are you continuing to feed your tank ammonia? If you don't continue to put ammonia in your tank until your nitrites reach 0ppm it could kill off your bacteria supply.

Everything looks normal to me. Are you continuing to feed your tank ammonia? If you don't continue to put ammonia in your tank until your nitrites reach 0ppm it could kill off your bacteria supply.


Yes I'm adding Ammonia daily, thanks!

ure ammonia is showing as 0 and ure nitrItes are still 1 as going by the graph = when addin ammonia and then testing it has gone and when NO" is 0 = CYCLED>>>>>>>>>> so ure almost there

this helps> > http://www.bestfish.com/newtank3.html


Yeah I thought I might be almost there (I hope!) wanted to check with you guys since you're all used to this stuff.
yeah almost there, just keep an eye on nitrites, it seems to level off which could indicate that it's stalled. However with only 2 days readings at that level it's no proof just yet and nothing to worry over, but if you find in 3/4 days your nitrite reading is still the same then do a 40% water change and that might kick start it. :good:

nice charts by the way, really easy to see what's gone on. wish everyone would produce something like that rather than posting a paragraph describing the different levels with no accurate results!
yeah almost there, just keep an eye on nitrites, it seems to level off which could indicate that it's stalled. However with only 2 days readings at that level it's no proof just yet and nothing to worry over, but if you find in 3/4 days your nitrite reading is still the same then do a 40% water change and that might kick start it. :good:

nice charts by the way, really easy to see what's gone on. wish everyone would produce something like that rather than posting a paragraph describing the different levels with no accurate results!

Thanks for the advice :) I did the graphs in Microsoft Excel.
Thats what im using now that iv seen this post.

But lym, from the 8th onwards have you only noted down the levels the ammonia has dropped to? In otherwords you havent noted down the levels when you put ammonia back in to top it back up!? Just curious, as if you had included these, the line would be up and down up and down from then onwards because you'd be topping ammonia back upto ~3 ppm.

Confused :huh: If you know what i mean?
Thats what im using now that iv seen this post.

But lym, from the 8th onwards have you only noted down the levels the ammonia has dropped to? In otherwords you havent noted down the levels when you put ammonia back in to top it back up!? Just curious, as if you had included these, the line would be up and down up and down from then onwards because you'd be topping ammonia back upto ~3 ppm.

Confused :huh: If you know what i mean?

The ammonia tests above are only to show how much ammonia is in the tank after 24 hours, after each test I add enough ammonia to the tank so it tops it back up to the 3-4 ppm range so I have no need to keep a graph for that.
Thanks Rob :)

Just done today's tests. Ammonia is at 0 once again and Nitrites have dropped a little from 1.0 to 0.25
Congratulations! You're almost there! :drinks: Can't wait until I'm through cycling :sad:.


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