My Angel Fish Died Lastnight?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
Found him dead this morning :-( no signs of injury or nothing, i dont understand! I had 2 Angel fish and they were both acting very strange actually these past couple of days, hiding out near the filter? One is still alive and he seems to have lost his appitite and still hiding in the same place! My water is ok i checked this morning, ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, and Nitrate 40ppm!

Any suggestions? I havent added anythink to the tank either!
How long has your tank been up and running. I had two angelfish that died with no obvious signs, as well as other fish such as Panda Corys. Unfortunately good stats are not enough for these fish, and nothing but time can bring the maturity to the tank. Mature tanks are really required for Angelfish, over 6 months or so.

Ive had it set up just before Xmas. So i would say 2 1/2 months then! That could be the reason then as ive had other fish die (2x Platty, Ghost knife fish) with no obvious signs of anythink! Water has been ok! I dont want my other one 2 die, how can i save him :-(
i might have got you confused with someone else but didn't you have problems with angels when they were first added to the tank? As Squid said I think it's just that your tank isn't mature enough for angels yet. quite probably the same with the ghost knife although the platy deaths have got me a little concerned. when did they die?
No had no problems with them, they were happly swimming around and very active until the day i noticed they werent out much and then 1 died this morning! Possibly that then! Cant think of anythink else! 2 female Platty's died a couple of weeks ago, added them 2 the tank for the male as he only had one and they died a couple of days later!
no probs, i wasn't 100% sure if it was you or not!

Angel's really aren't recommended for tanks under 6 months old, they need the maturity of an older tank, sometimes they'll survive, sometimes they die straight away, sometimes they'll be fine for a while then die for no reason :sad:

if the platy's died within a couple of days of going into the tank there's two main options

1 - the water conditions from the shop to your tank were vastly different and they never acclimitised

2 - they were already carrying a disease and brought it into your tank then died

to check up you should call the store you got them from and ask the pH and nitrate of their tanks, if you rule that out then you may have cause for concern as the platy's could have been incubating a disease but not shown it until they got in your tank, then passed it on to your angel, who incubated it for a week or two then died.

keep a very close eye on the tank for the next few days and do a couple of water changes to make sure the water quality is tip top. It's hard to advise if you should treat if there's no symptoms or signs off illness :/
:-( i bet my other one will die soon then! Tut!!

Yeah could be those reasons, i will make sue i do a few water changes. Its a bit funny how all the fish i bought from the same store died and the rest have survived which i got from a different store! I dont think i will go back to that shop again! :no:
think your probably right not to shop there. sounds like they could just get they're fish from dodgy breeders and they are therefore quite weak
The best place i have been to and they have survived is a place in Essex called Swallows Aquatics! Very good and soooo many fish to choose from!
Well my Angel fish is still alive but just constantly hides away and if he is out and i go near the tank he darts off and hides again! The Angel fish never used to do that, maybe cus he hasnt got his friend around anymore he does it :dunno:

Also found my littlest Plec dead 2 day's ago and now i have just found a pink danio stuck upside down too a plant DEAD!! I cant understand what's going on? I think i may have a disease or something, but dont know what! One pink danio looks like he has swollen eyes compared too the others and he is not as lively but the rest of the fish seem ok.

Any help again?


would NOT add any more fish

get ure water as good as it can be

plecs are VERY messy

post water stats again - increase aeration

give em best possible chance to tolerate whatever condidtions are in your tank

when you say you bought fish from a store did you buy a lot at once - as could be new tank sysdrome OR acclimate them for long enough?


Im not going to add no more fish! Something is going wrong!

Yes i know plecs are very messy, the tank was cleaned about 2 weeks ago now so a waterchange is due really but the tank is looking clean. I will post water stats but i dont think they have changed since i done them a week ago'ish.

How do i increase aeration? I have an airstone thats it.

The last time i went too get fish i bought 2 Platty's and a ghost knife fish but they died so the week after or 2 weeks after i cant remember, i bought 6 Danio's

not flaming you but water changes need to be done every 2 weeks or less and saying the tank looks clean isn't really a excuse IF you clearly have the time to do a water change, but if you are overly busy attempt to get a water change at the next chance you get.

Obvious point is the common plec needs to go as they grow very large and will easily outgrow your tank.

Hope that helps somewhat :D :good: sorry for your loss R.I.P
I will do it 2night then ^_^

Yeah i know i need 2 get rid of him, just havent had the chance 2 get him down the shop yet and its so hard thinking i have 2 take him back -_-


Still no1 has said about the pink danio, what could be wrong with his eyes or do some come with eyes like that?

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