This Is Wrong Right?


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
My next door neighbour (her and her fish tanks :lol:) has an oscar on its own in a 40x18x12 (LxHxW) same tank as my community. I tell her all the time its to small and hes going to die early. I am right arnt i?

I would argue that this is actually fine for a single Oscar and it shoudent die young.
Also, thanks for putting the dimentions of the tank instead of volume. It really helps to get a better idea of the tank.
I would argue that this is actually fine for a single Oscar and it shoudent die young.
Also, thanks for putting the dimentions of the tank instead of volume. It really helps to get a better idea of the tank.

Can i ask how you think a 12 inch wide tank is suitable for a fish that grows to around 12 inches, possibly as large as 16 inches?

IMO oscars need a tank of at least 48" x 18" x 18"
I would argue that this is actually fine for a single Oscar and it shoudent die young.
Also, thanks for putting the dimentions of the tank instead of volume. It really helps to get a better idea of the tank.

Can i ask how you think a 12 inch wide tank is suitable for a fish that grows to around 12 inches, possibly as large as 16 inches?

IMO oscars need a tank of at least 48" x 18" x 18"

I agree. Minimum.
I've seen oscars kept in a lot worse. 10 gallon tanks and such!!! Though this tnk will be a bit cramped when the oscar reaches full size, it's not entirely horrible considering where many of them go. Most peopel think 10 and 20 gallon tanks are perfectly fine :crazy: .

But idk, maybe I'm to liberal and forgiving when it comes ot fishkeeping :shifty:
I've seen oscars kept in a lot worse. 10 gallon tanks and such!!! Though this tnk will be a bit cramped when the oscar reaches full size, it's not entirely horrible considering where many of them go. Most peopel think 10 and 20 gallon tanks are perfectly fine :crazy: .

But idk, maybe I'm to liberal and forgiving when it comes ot fishkeeping :shifty:

How can it be fine when the fish is bigger than the tank itself? :blink:
I've seen oscars kept in a lot worse. 10 gallon tanks and such!!! Though this tnk will be a bit cramped when the oscar reaches full size, it's not entirely horrible considering where many of them go. Most peopel think 10 and 20 gallon tanks are perfectly fine :crazy: .

But idk, maybe I'm to liberal and forgiving when it comes ot fishkeeping :shifty:

How can it be fine when the fish is bigger than the tank itself? :blink:

The fish isn't bigger than the fish! An oscar grows to an average of 12" in home aquaria, given if in better conditions will reach greater sizes. 40x12x18 (LxWxH) just is a bit cramped. The size you should have for tank demensions are a minimum of 4.5x the length of the fish, 1.5 times the length in the height and the width. In other terms, the tank should be a minimum of 48x18x18 like suggested. But the measurements are 8x6x0 inches off. To me, that isn't so bad compared ot what many of them are kept in. All I'm saying is that it can be a million times worse and instead f people seeing this, they always jsut see hte bad in things, not the good. The oscar can be in a much smaller tank, but it is in the tank that size (40x12x18). Nowhere in the original post was the size of the oscar mentioned. I'm assuming it is probably middle sized (4-8" or so). So really it isn't all that bad as it can be worse. But that is jsut my opinion. I try to look at things in a positive light. The oscar can be in far worse conditions than the ones it is currently in right now. That's all!

obviously you are concerned

all you can do is give advice and show piccies of fish in small tanks see how cramped they are - may persuade !!!

they may get a bigger tank at some point, as buying new large tanks are very expensive for some people ----- but may be being stubborn cos some people CANNOT be told or advised!!!

at least ure safe in the knowledge that YOU dont keep fish in smaller tanks in relation to their size


good luck though
tank is only about 30g which isn't enough water to dilute the waste the oscar will produce. The water quality will be poor for the Oscar and I can see the fish having difficulties with disease (HITH) if kept in this environment
I agree, it's far too small. It's not just about tank size its about volume and waste - an oscar makes much more waste than a similarly sized fish, because a. they're cichlids and therefore eat high protein food and b. they're messy eaters - and about half of what's put in doesn't even make it to their tummy ;)

The water in there would be disgusting if left to weekly water changes, the only way I could see this working is if the oscar was small or they were doing daily water changes.

Min tank size for an oscar should be 4ft x 18" x 18" (75g). Some say 55g, but what 55g tank do you know would hold a potentially 16" fish? As for the age old "but most dont get that big" argument - I say - what if it does though? Rather prepare than be stuck with having to buy another tank and spend twice as much money. And tbh, those who argue that are usually those who keep their fish in smaller tanks and therefore their experience is going to be different to the norm as their fish wont reach their full potential.

I've seen people saying recently that sevs only reach 6-8". I've seen several sevs for sale on Ebay and AC lately where the ad has read "now 10" and too big for tank - still growing". Yes many fish wont reach their potential max size, but some of that has to be blamed on inadequate tank size and therefore poor water quality.
The Oscar is about 7-8" she says but he looks bigger to me. I am doing my best to get her to upgrade, I will prolly end up buying her a bigger tank myself (i hate that fish make me feel bad :lol:). The water is never dirty but it seems pretty boaring fot the poor thing. I wont stop bugging her till she gets a bigger tank thats for sure. Thanks for your guys advice
I've seen oscars kept in a lot worse. 10 gallon tanks and such!!! Though this tnk will be a bit cramped when the oscar reaches full size, it's not entirely horrible considering where many of them go. Most peopel think 10 and 20 gallon tanks are perfectly fine :crazy: .

But idk, maybe I'm to liberal and forgiving when it comes ot fishkeeping :shifty:

How can it be fine when the fish is bigger than the tank itself? :blink:

The fish isn't bigger than the fish! An oscar grows to an average of 12" in home aquaria, given if in better conditions will reach greater sizes. 40x12x18 (LxWxH) just is a bit cramped. The size you should have for tank demensions are a minimum of 4.5x the length of the fish, 1.5 times the length in the height and the width. In other terms, the tank should be a minimum of 48x18x18 like suggested. But the measurements are 8x6x0 inches off. To me, that isn't so bad compared ot what many of them are kept in. All I'm saying is that it can be a million times worse and instead f people seeing this, they always jsut see hte bad in things, not the good. The oscar can be in a much smaller tank, but it is in the tank that size (40x12x18). Nowhere in the original post was the size of the oscar mentioned. I'm assuming it is probably middle sized (4-8" or so). So really it isn't all that bad as it can be worse. But that is jsut my opinion. I try to look at things in a positive light. The oscar can be in far worse conditions than the ones it is currently in right now. That's all!

It's not big news to have a 16" Oscar. 12" is way too small of width for any mature Oscar as he'll be 10" in just 1 year. That gives him 2" to turn around in.

I agree that there's worse scenarios and am not trying to pick a fight as I've read your posts and understand you care very much about fish, it's just that the excuse that we've seen much worse doesn't make a 12" wide tank acceptable, imo.

I'm not trying to put anything i na negative light, just trying to give advice that I believe is best for the fish. Not saying in this thread in particular but if we say a 12" wide tank is ok for an Oscar because he's only 8" and someone goes and buys the tank and Oscar, what are they going to do in 2 months when they see the fish is almost as long as the tank is wide and they can't/don't have the money to upgrade?
Can i ask how you think a 12 inch wide tank is suitable for a fish that grows to around 12 inches, possibly as large as 16 inches?
Ok, I misread the post and thought it was 18" wide. Male Oscars can reach this size but in my experience females dont get as big, maby 10" max.

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