Search results

  1. W

    Pearl Danio With No Operculum

    Hiya, You probably dont remember, but way back in 2007 (October - I just checked) I posted in a panic about a pearl danio who had ripped his gill flap right off (you it was called an operculum). You gave me advice on what to do and generally calmed me down and provided encouragement! Anyway...
  2. W

    Fish Deaths After New Fish Added

    Dear all, Please has anybody got any thoughts/advice on the following? I have a community tank that has been totally stable (no illnesses, no deaths) for all of this year and much of last. If The Wolf is reading this, you may remember me asking your advice about a Pearl Danio who had ripped...
  3. W

    Oxygen/air Pumps!

    Hi all, I'm hoping you experienced people can advise me on whether my finny friends need an air pump in their tank. My current set up is five ickle female bettas :wub: in a 37L tank. They have a heater and filter, and I do a 25% water change each week. So my question is, does that give...
  4. W

    Guinea Pigs

    Hiya - I think that hay is best as makes a lovely warm bed and is also nice to eat (it's good for keeping their teeth short). My vet told me that guinea pigs are best brought inside in winter, cos they're a bit delicate, so now mine go out all day and night during summer, then out in the day...
  5. W

    Injured Danio - Advice Needed Please

    Thanks for this informative and encouraging reply Wolf - I'll keep up the melafix. At the moment my poor fishy look so sore, but I'm well pleased to know that he can carry on to have a full life. He's definitely eating, I checked that, and zooming as per normal. :wub: my pearl danios...
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    Injured Danio - Advice Needed Please

    Hello all, Yesterday morning when I got up I found that one of my precious pearl danios had ripped a gill cover right off :hyper: I can't imagine how it's happened - I can't see him having been attacked, cos I've only got friendly fishes - (danios, white clouds, cardinals, neons, glowlights...
  7. W

    Pics! Me And Fritzy! Giant Rabbit!

    WOWEE :hyper: That is one gorgeous wabbit :nod: Me want :wub: :wub: :wub:
  8. W

    Fish All Just Below Surface

    As xxBarneyXX said, that's usually a sign of a shortage of oxygen. I don't know the specific medication you used for fin rot, but a lot of meds say on them that they reduce the oxygen content of the water, so you need to increase the oxygen/air supply into the tank. If I were you, I'd turn...
  9. W

    My Bunny And Guinea Pig

    They are just :wub: :wub: :wub: Is Smudge a boy or a girl piggy?
  10. W

    Rabbit Pics

    If you are truly sorry that you sounded rude to the previous person who voiced their opinion, you should have hit the "delete" key, not the "add reply" key. Most people have seen rabbits in show cages, but I can assure you that most people would not DREAM of keeping rabbits in that type of cage...
  11. W

    Could I Introduce A Bunny To My 1 1/2 Year Old Rabbit?

    Well.... it's not recommended that rabbits and guineas are kept together, because even if they seem to get along and enjoy each other's company, rabbits are so much more boisterous than guineas that they frequently hurt them just by bouncing around. To be perfectly honest, rabbit can kill...
  12. W

    Rabbit Pics

    Agree absolutely Bloo - no animals should be caged up like that, but rabbits are my favourite :sad: :angry:
  13. W

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    I've got 30 :D 5589 + 30 = 5619 :good:
  14. W

    Any Horsey People Here?

    Wowee - that's well cool :fun: Good to tell you live in a nice warm climate - you wouldn't catch me doing that round here!
  15. W

    Any Horsey People Here?

    :lol: I'm just loving the picky of your Welsh cob :lol: Aren't they characters? I've got a Welsh cob and used to be into showing, but got sick and tired of getting up at 5am to bath my ungrateful mare then stand around in the pouring rain while the judges decided the FATTEST would be the...
  16. W

    My Two Koi

    Just loving this thread with all your Koi pics Chris and Jamie. Post more, anytime, they are all absolutely :wub:
  17. W

    Koi Question

    EEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's HUGE and only 3 years old :hyper: And she's VERY VERY beautiful :wub: Have you got more than one? There's nothing else for it - I need a bigger pond (though I'm not sure I can afford to feed a fishy that size) :lol:
  18. W

    Our Ponds

    Woweee - cool ponds Cheesy :good: and wicked fishes :wub: Me want *stamps feet*
  19. W

    Koi Question

    Ok - thanks everybody, I guess they must just be babies that I saw. h@g - They were only about 6-8 cms long, so they've got lots of growing to do. :good: Tokis-Phoenix - the pond is only 18 inches deep, so I think not deep enough for adult Koi, and I wouldn't want to cramp them, or have to...
  20. W

    Koi Question

    I was out buying oxygenating plants for my pond at the weekend, and I saw some gorgeous fish that had a sign saying "Small Golden Koi". I've always steered clear of Koi on the understanding that they'll grow too big for my pond (250 gallons), but do these Golden ones stay small? In which case...
  21. W

    What Would You Like To See

    PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASE say you'll show us the mega-dannyho Wolfie PLEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASE say you will :snap: :kewlpics: :flowers: Otherwise I'll wait til 11pm on Thursday 12th and I'll create LOADS of new user accounts, just so I can give it the highest number of votes :P :rofl:
  22. W

    Do You Own Any Rescue Or Adopted Pets?

    :wub: both of your bunsters! My rabbits are rescue rabbits aswell (Mango and Chutney - also in my signature!) :good:
  23. W

    My Glowlight Tetras....

    I think your Glowlights are gorgeous :wub: Mine are fat and lazy too :blush: I usually give mine peas once a week, but sometimes I give them twice, cos if I'm having peas for tea they swim around watching me eating and waiting for their share :nod:
  24. W

    Five More Sleeps......

    The-Wolf gets a little kitten :fun: * drums fingers impatiently while waiting for photos*
  25. W


    So sorry to hear of your loss Wolf - the bravest decision is such a painful one. Play free at the Bridge with no more hurts little Gennie. xx
  26. W

    How To Catch....

    :lol: :lol: :lol: That really brightened my day thanks :good:
  27. W

    Yay - Minnows Spawning

    :wub: :wub: :wub: What supercool pickies :D but norty kuhlis! :rolleyes: I got mine from Attwoods Aquatics in Apsley (near Hemel Hempsted, Herts). I think they were £10 for six - something like that anyway - NO WAY £5 each (though they are v v v v cute) :P Wendy
  28. W

    Yay - Minnows Spawning

    I got six gold white clouds last weekend, and i'd never seen them before that. I think they are :wub: :wub: :wub: They are sooooo cute and they charge around with my danios, totally unaware that they're only 1/10 their size :lol: :hyper: :fun: I'm off to ask them to stay still now...
  29. W

    What Type Of Person Works In A Fish Shop?

    I know I know I know what kind of a person works in a LFS *jumps up and down with excitement* It's a kind of person like The-Wolf :lol: :lol: :lol:
  30. W

    Are Zebra Danios Aggessive?

    Here's the link (Wolf - where are you? - we're talking about your favourite subject and looking at your website and EVERYTHING).
  31. W

    Are Zebra Danios Aggessive?

    More danios :lol: :lol: :lol: Seriously - there's loads of different sorts of danios and it seems to me that they all like to zip around and play chase. I have zebras and pearls and they do great together. But I also have neons and platies and they all get along just fine, it's just that...
  32. W

    Could You All Please Sit On My Head

    NOOOOO - WE WANT CORY FRY :nod: :nod: *knocks SPLiSH out of the way so (s)he can't do that sitting-on-dwarfgourami's-head thing again* :hey: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  33. W

    My Sick Zebra Danio

    Aaww. so sorry to hear the sad outcome lavaish peanut :( :rip: little danio. Wendy
  34. W

    Platy's Eye Gone Wrong

    Thanks guys - this forum is brillinat :)
  35. W

    Platy's Eye Gone Wrong

    I don't know what cloudy eye is, but this is not like a cloud (I mean it's not like a cataract in humans) - it's more of a physical thing, like a flap sticking out (a scale around the eye that's got dislodged and is now covering it???) or something. Sorry about not posting water stats - I was...
  36. W

    Platy's Eye Gone Wrong

    Kind fishy folk, Please help me if you can. I just went to feed/count/health check my fishies and there's something wrong with one of my sunset platies. One of her eyes looks funny. It's like there is an white/opaque covering on it, and it's sticking out a bit from the surface of the eye...
  37. W

    Leopard Danio....gone Missing

    Like the others say, check inside the filter, and my two-bobs-worth is to keep on checking it with a torch! I once lost a Pearl Danio and he turned up in the filter much later, even though I'd already looked in there (described in the link below)...
  38. W

    Sprung A Leak....

    YIKES :hyper: Well done for saving all the fishies Miss Wiggle :D I suppose Ian arrived home just as you finished rescuing the last one did he? :hey:
  39. W

    Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!

    I've had EVERYTHING crossed for your fishies for days now! Hang on in there Speedingorange :good:
  40. W

    What Size Pond Will We Need?

    Hi Dani, Our pond is about 2 foot max depth and we've only ever had the surface freeze on it - nothing major. We're in Buckinghamshire, which is maybe a bit colder than Suffolk, or about the same???? Anyway, we have some Comets and one Shubunkin, and they winter out no problems (although you...