Sprung A Leak....

Nicely handled miss wiggle!

What was the cause of the leak in the first place though?

It's funny, I was thinking about this the other day and I haven't even got fish yet!

I came to the conclusion that with my little 20G tank I could probably use a Tesco box on a table and put the filter/heater in there with the fish until I could get some sort of replacement!

Not something I ever want to consider though as we are in a rented first floor flat with pale carpets throughout :crazy:
Nicely handled miss wiggle!

What was the cause of the leak in the first place though?


Thanks Paul

one of four things i think... or more than likely a combination of them

1 - it's just an old tank, the sealant coud just be knackered

2 - it wasn't sitting quite squarley on the stand, I think it not being quite even could have upset the distribution of water, but it wasn't a long way off at all, just a tiny overhang on one side

3 - it's an old house and it's not level, we'd just moved it last week and it's facing a different direction so maybe the slope is more of a problem there than it was before

4 - something could have got damaged when we moved it last week

Ah, i see, atleast it was nothing you could have prevented. Hope you can fix the tank alright, a bit of sealant and a bigger table should do the trick?

Sorry to hear that it made your back get worse again, there's nothing worse than having a painful back - it sucks, but as you said, you now know the cure! Even if it is an expensive one!

Take care,

well maybe, maybe not

we've swapped it for another tank that we had spare that was the same size so we'll just leave that on for now, but Ian will be able to re-seal the broken one so we've still got a spare... well two spares but it means even if the hospital tank is set up there's still another one free. :)

actually the acupuncture isn't that expensive £25 a session.... not cheap but not the end of the world either :)
Blimey! Well done you, what a mare. I think I would have totally panickd but who knows what you can do in an emergency. Got me thinking though, with 2 tanks and not even half the stuff you have, I don't know what we would do if that happens!

Touch wood it never does! Congrats on saving your fisheys! :good:
Didn't you have a disaster a while back with one of your filters?

I hope it wasn't number 1, my tank is 15 years old, and even then i got it 2nd hand from someone else :(
Well done on handling all that yourself!!

The same thing happened to my dad a few years back - it happened during the night though so he didn't know until the morning & the tank had cracked along the bottom. Luckily he saved his fish but they were all in different buckets in the lounge - very messy. He managed to reseal it too - he only had the one tank so no spare.

I think mum was quite pleased with the new carpet the insurance paid for though!!

Look after your back Miss Wiggle - hope it gets better soon - you'll have to be waited on hand and foot whilst you rest up!!
what a nightmare and i mean that quite literally i have had nightmares about this happening to me.you handled it very well :) we should all be prepared for this type of thing it is inevitable that seals will go on tanks over time :(
You poor thing. That was so well written I had the picture in my head of the scenario as it was happening. Eeeek!! Give yourself a pat on the back for coping brilliantly, ok maybe not your poor back :)
I had a 36*12*18 go whilst I was at work. It dumped 2/3 of it's water on the laminate flooring, and it was only blind luck I got back in time to save the fish. Luckily it only housed 1 common goldfish, was a total pain in the backside.

Well done on your rescue!

One thing to add to your post is to make sure you've not got all your plug boards etc sitting on the floor directly under the tank!
Didn't you have a disaster a while back with one of your filters?

I hope it wasn't number 1, my tank is 15 years old, and even then i got it 2nd hand from someone else :(

yup was the &*!!#"@ fluval on the same tank would you believe it.... somethings just not destined to be :/

One thing to add to your post is to make sure you've not got all your plug boards etc sitting on the floor directly under the tank!

good call!

Thanks everybody.

Sadly I got home from work at lunch time (back was so buggered I couldn't sit at my desk anymore so decided to call it a day) and found a dead neon tetra and 2 dead amano shrimp :-( not a 100% sucess rate then. But the neon was 5+ yrs old anyway and took a suicide leap from the net when I was catching him so I had half expected to loose him anyway. The shrimp I haven't the foggiest, just the stress of it all I expect, I had a right bugger of a time catching two of them so maybe it was the same two and having to chase them so much stressed them out? I really don't know to be honest. But out of about 40 fish in there I still don't think I did too badly.

Maybe another point to add, practice netting your fish, now don't go chasing them and dragging them out of the water for no reason, but when you need to for some reason, try and get everyone to do it so everyone will be able to without stressng the fish too much if you need to in an emergency. If you've a decent lfs and they know you they may well let you catch your own fish there if you ask. Might be a good idea.

YIKES :hyper:

Well done for saving all the fishies Miss Wiggle :D

I suppose Ian arrived home just as you finished rescuing the last one did he? :hey:

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