What Size Pond Will We Need?

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
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We have a comet and a shubunkin in a tank in the house at the moment which use to belong to my grandparents who were keeping them in a 15 litre tank, they did not realize the size these fish can grow and thought they stayed a couple of inches.

When they moved house about 6 months ago they gave the fish to my dad and we are now keeping them in a 20 gallon tank which is fine for them at the moment but we know we will need bigger.

We have decided to build a pond for them but have no idea how to go about it.

We will only be keeping these 2 fish in it so does anybody know how big a pond we will need for them?

We are not looking at getting some amazing pond just something basic that the fish can live out there lives in.

Any help and advice would be appreciated.
Couple hundred gallons for the goldfish will be fine.

You can pick up small preformed ponds really cheap now and a pond and filter will be the expensive bit, probably looking at about £150 to have a small running pond.
are you intending on keeping the fish outside over the winter,if so depth is an issue depending on where you live climate etc,you can pick up a half decent preformed for around £50 add a small pump and bio filter and the fish will do fine but be wary of the pond freezing over
Thanks for your replys.
I live in Suffolk so it can get cold over winter although we don't seem to get much snow or anything here, but I don't think I have seen other peoples ponds freezing over.

How deep should the pond be just in case we do get a really cold winter?
3.5 feet is good. Mine is going to be 4 foot deep in the centre as we can get temps of -bloody cold
Thanks for that,

We don't get it as cold as you round here, I think it is something to do with living by the coast.
Sorry I have another question,

We went looking at preformed ponds this afternoon and they all seem to be about 2 foot deep, can you buy them any deeper?
and if you can does anyone know where?
The deepest ive seen is 3ft but thats at the big garden/water centres and are bigger than 200 gallons.
Maybe do your own. Its not that hard and you get the depth you need.

I will tell my dad, but I think if he had his way he would get one that just stands on the ground. He isn't too happy about the thought of digging and is trying to put it off, untill my mum makes him. :D
Hi Dani,

Our pond is about 2 foot max depth and we've only ever had the surface freeze on it - nothing major. We're in Buckinghamshire, which is maybe a bit colder than Suffolk, or about the same???? Anyway, we have some Comets and one Shubunkin, and they winter out no problems (although you don't see anything of them, they just reappear in Spring!).

Good luck with the digging!

Thanks for that,

My dad will be glad you can get away with less, the thought of digging 3 to 4 feet nearly killed him. :D

The preformed ponds are about 2 feet but say that is deep enough for winter so hopefully they are right.
I'm down the coast from you a bit Dani in Kirby Cross and my old pond was a 2ft deep preformed and my smaller pond is only 2ft aswell, never had fish die over winter.
Thanks for your reply
We are complete newbies with ponds so it is good to hear about ponds in our region and what works.

Thanks for your help.

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