Could You All Please Sit On My Head


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
As expected, platy with dropsy died this morning. Have no idea how problem developed, as have been away on 6 weeks holiday. The rest of the tank look fine, but will keep an eye on further developments. Can't say it comes as a great shock, the moment I saw her, I knew she was not long for this world.

Anyway, this leaves the 5 gallon hospital tank empty. This tank I bought yesterday with the declared purpose of emptying it and putting it away once it had filled its purpose. The thing is, it is autumn, and I am terribly tempted to spawn the corys and use it (once disinfected) as a fry tank.... So could you all please just sit on my head until I come to my senses? This way madness lies :crazy: I have now got 5 tanks... and I have still got a husband. Just.
oh cory fry are soooo cute i would be tempted to spawn the corys as well :blush: :hyper:
No, no, no! *sits on head*

Keep the tank empty and ready for an emergency! If one of your other fish gets sick, and the tank has cory fry in it, the poor sick fish will have no-where to go, and risks infecting your tank and leading all your innocent fish to die horrible deaths because of your greed!

Have I put you off? :hyper:
No, no, no! *sits on head*

Keep the tank empty and ready for an emergency! If one of your other fish gets sick, and the tank has cory fry in it, the poor sick fish will have no-where to go, and risks infecting your tank and leading all your innocent fish to die horrible deaths because of your greed!

Have I put you off? :hyper:

yeah but if that happened then she could always buy another hospital tank :hyper: :hyper:
you go for it girl your hubby will love ya anyway mine does lol :devil: :whistle:
don't do it! quarantine and hospital setups are essential to have waiting on standby. take down that tank and put it in a closet immediately!
Thank you, folks, I think the mad moment has passed. The tank is disinfected and drying out. Tomorrow it's going back in the box. I shall turn my attention to filling the gaps in the Rekord 60 instead.... :sly:
Thank you, folks, I think the mad moment has passed. The tank is disinfected and drying out. Tomorrow it's going back in the box. I shall turn my attention to filling the gaps in the Rekord 60 instead.... :sly:

*knocks SPLiSH out of the way so (s)he can't do that sitting-on-dwarfgourami's-head thing again*

:hey: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi dwarfgourami :)

If your C. paleatus want to spawn, they will. My guess is that you will be getting that tank back out and moving eggs into it.

Then you will be buying a bigger one to raise the fry in. :p It might be a good idea to get your hubby prepared, just in case. :D
I have now got 5 tanks... and I have still got a husband. Just.

if he complains jus say atleast you have a house/flat to put them in. my girlfriend has to put up with 350+ gallons of water over 6 tanks and its all in my bedroom :D .

and ive already been told im not allowed to take over the house when i move out damnit lol.


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