Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!

Mahoooosive improvemend in behaviour yesterday. however 2 of the koi ( happen to be my fav ones) Have aklso dramatically worstend and are now headstanding....

i have been persisting with the salt bathing, but with some of them now feeling better they are a million and one times harder to catch!

i salt bathed the big big koi that is red and black seen at the start of this thread and he seems much better for it.

can anyone send me any pics of what a koi looks like when its shedding its slime coat? as there are some that have loads of thick white all over them...

bout two of formalin tomorrow night!
If the fish is headstanding he not going to make it, sorry, they never do when the show this behavour.
Peeling of the skin is not good either as they are losing there protection, that why they have come down with bacterial problem as it leaves the parasites to do there worse.
The only thing with the skin is an antibiotic.

Headstanding, laying flat
Water quality problems, drug side effects, swimbladder infection, intestinal obstruction, late stage of infectious diseases
water is fine just tested it 5 mins ago

The orf that died was doing it, and there where no meds in the water then so taht could well be the infestation... although after his salt bath yesterday he has his apitite back and is eating again :S

They are all eating again now and swimming about like normal, just done a 10% water change to freshen up again. and then tomorrow its time for more formalin.

The only thing i am woried about is all the fish seem to be trying to eat each others fins :S

idk if there really hungry or something daft... but they certainly have there apetite back and im being carefull not to overfeed.
They might be just pecking at parasites on each others, or dead tissue, good luck, hope they carry on improving.
Hows that cute baby fish doing in the pic.

This one
Salt can have the effect of getting rid of a slime coat. Fish will react to the salt by thickening of the coat and then shedding it plus the parasites. Maybe the formalin is doing the same too.
there looking LOADS better today although some fish are still drifting around in a trance :(

and one of the koi refuses to use his pectoral fin ??

idk why...

sooo fingers crossed they all are eating and are acting better just need them to stop being dopey now and wake up lol
It could be the med making them dopey, good luck, fingers crossed.
Been following this thread since I joined.

Whats the latest news? Good I hope...
latest news all but 2 koi seem to be acting fine now... so im thinking the last of the formalin is mopping things up!

although... i havent seen ANY of the baby fish for a while now... im thinking they may be fish food :(
Im pleased things are looking up and hope the babies surface soon. Maybe trawl the bottom with a large net to make sure you dont have any dead fish polluting your pond or stuck to the pump.
i would stir the bottum up... but there is LOADS of silt still in the big pond and the fish are doing a great job of stiring that up :( so im having to clean the filter out 2 times a day agian woop hoo..! :(
i did notice one of the fish that is being dopey still has popeye.... from my reading it seems its best to just keep water stats good and feed him well ( he wont eat anyhow) and he should get better?

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