Are Zebra Danios Aggessive?


Aug 12, 2006
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Richmond CA
I have a friend that gave me some Zebra danios, I didn't want to add them to my tank until i was sure it had finished cycling but told him I would take them. He had them in a tank simalar to mine ( meaning he has platies, and neon tetras0 and said they do fine in there since they mainly stick to the top away from the other fish. however he just called me and told me that one of them was found on the bottom of the tank today and looked half eatin, the other two are very active and look fine, no other fish in the tank not meationed so what coulda happened. ( FYI) his tank is fully cycled and has been running for over 2 years

Should I be afried to add the remaining 2 to my tank?
Dont worry almost every fish that dies other fish eat them i had danios they run accross the tank a lot and are very enerfetic fish not aggresive
Zebra Danios aren't aggresive at all, but like most fish, they will eat the remains of a dead fish. They should do fine. They are a bit high-strung though, so if you have some fish who are sensitive to currents or something, be warned; these guys will move the water around. :)
yea he brought over the 10 gallon tank with the remaining 2 in it, they are darting around like no ones busniess, I wish i could keep the 10 gallon to I would most likely move the platy that are left in there but he said I can only keep it until my tank is finished cycling
so what are some other fast moving fish that zebra danios work well with cuz it damn sure ain't platies and neon tetras
so what are some other fast moving fish that zebra danios work well with cuz it damn sure ain't platies and neon tetras

More danios :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously - there's loads of different sorts of danios and it seems to me that they all like to zip around and play chase. I have zebras and pearls and they do great together. But I also have neons and platies and they all get along just fine, it's just that the neons and platies are a bit more laid back.

The-Wolf has a website with photos of all the different kinds for you to see - the link to it is in his signature *goes off to look for most recent post from The-Wolf*
Danios need to be in bigger groups to display natural behaviour, otherwise you are quite likely to get aggression problems. They have a need to establish hierarchy, which simply can't be done safely if the group is too small. They also need plenty of space to move in.
Danios are great fish.

I sued to have 3 of them and they are so active.

I lost 2 and only have my 1 big male left and he is happy enouth to spend his time with my guppies and when he feels like chacing or being chace he just knock on my wresteling halfbeacks door and the action is on.

They dont hurt eachother in anyway!I watched them for hours and all is fine.
Danios are always best in large groups, 6 or more. In smaller numbers, their innate chasing is transferred to other fish, and they can nip.
zebra danios i have seen are very active and energetic fish, but are usually not aggressive. however they may nip a few fins, but other than that they are fine! especially in a group they should be fine...

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