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  1. S

    How smart are your bettas?

    Yes, bettas are smarter than the average fish. Got that from
  2. S

    What Am I Doing Wrong

    Get some IAL or Blackwater extract if you aren't using it. And get a heater. Up the temp to about 80. Maybe leave the female and male together separated for longer... That's all I can think of now.
  3. S

    Weird question

    Awesome info! Thanks Bkk!
  4. S

    Vacation: Water Changes

    Bettas are the best fish for going through cycling. They can handle some pretty rough conditions, IMO. But I really hope this friend you have picked out is awesome. Good luck! Maybe you'll get them hooked... hehe.
  5. S

    giant plakat

    Ahhhh, I was assuming because it was you, Bettaman, that he was full, but I had to ask. He's going to be SO HUGE. Yeah, definitely send him out some giant girls... and then send me some of the spawn!!!
  6. S

    What fish with a Betta?

    Eh, I have one in my tank and he's just fine. Of course, it's in my sorority... And again, what's the big deal with people wanting to have something with a betta?! I just don't get it.
  7. S

    Need advice/help (56 beware)

    Yeah, I've stopped using Melafix altogether. It's not a medicine anyways. It doesn't TREAT, just promotes regrowth. It's all herbal and very strong and can actually permanently damage your fish. A former member on here has two fish with permanant tail damage from it. Like it was said, just...
  8. S

    giant plakat

    If you breed him with just a plakat female, you'll only get half-giants. So if you want the BIG ones, you need to get a giant female, also. Are you sure he's full giant? He'd be much bigger if he were full.
  9. S

    what can go with bettas in a ..

    A cory of some sort... I really wouldn't do anything else. 5 gallons is too small for a betta and other things... And hey, what's the big deal with having to put a betta WITH something?? They're much happier on their own...
  10. S

    Redness??? Is it Normal?

    Yep, normal. Most of mine have it, too.
  11. S

    A few words of wisdom...

    So Bettabelieveit and I were at Petco a couple days ago, and we were chatting with one of the people who works there and a guy came up asking about bettas. So Taft (the employee) says, "Talk to her, she's knows everything about them." And I say Jason knows more... lol. So he starts talking to us...
  12. S

    The Fish Keepers Blues

    So true... when I tell people I have like 26 bettas at home, they're like, "but what's the big deal about fish?! It's just a fish!" You know, I never really thought I would like fish... but when I got my first betta, Stan, I fell in love. Then I got my first two girls and it all just exploded...
  13. S

    Betta Meds

    Actually, the meds do lose some of their effectiveness after 24 hours, so I'd definitely keep it refridgerated. It should keep it from evaporating, too.
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    Oh guess what!!! The Saga continues

    Yeah, I'd just take him out and get him his own tank. Either that or make your divider taller/water level lower. Poor little dude.
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    Oh wow... is there no where you can get BioSpira near you?? I have to drive at least an hour to get mine. That totally sucks!! I'd be really pissed off... and definitely think about using DHL or FedEx the next time. I really hope things get better for you. *hugs* EDIT: Your males will be...
  16. S

    Schooling fish for female betta tank?

    Glow-lite tetras... or any other sort of DOCILE tetras. White skirts are good.
  17. S

    Colloidal silver causes disease!

    Yep, so don't worry about giving it to your fish. Any higher ppm you're only going to give a couple drops. Thus, no worries. And it's illegal to see anything that hasn't been tested by the government, so no worries.
  18. S

    Colloidal silver causes disease!

    BUT check this out first: It only happens when you use REALLY high concentrations of silver that are very poorly made. Your fish will be fine. I use it with mine. So unless you're getting 10,000ppm and putting like 5 drops per gallon in, it should...
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    Java moss

    I've never sterilized my plants and haven't had any problems either. I'd just wash it off in some water. Salt can be really bad for plants, so be careful with that.
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    my sickly vt

    At this point, you'd be very smart to invest in some colloidal. It's an immune booster. Also, go get some Blackwater Extract. It'll make him a lot happier. I just used it with my uber sickly fish and he's doing a WHOLE lot better than he was.