what can go with bettas in a ..

A cory of some sort... I really wouldn't do anything else. 5 gallons is too small for a betta and other things...

And hey, what's the big deal with having to put a betta WITH something?? They're much happier on their own...
Maybe you could put a divider in there and get him a neighbor. I have mine right next to each other (in separate tanks of course) and they love to sit and flare at each other. It's pretty funny when the 3 fiestiest ones get going! :D
ya i think a divider would be good 5gal/2fish=2.5gal an it would look like there are 2 in the same tank win/win if you ask me but mines getting his own 10gal "king of the castel"
yep i would keep him on his own and let him have the run of the tank

i had a betta with two panda cories in an 8 gal before and he terrorised them! poor wee things had to be moved. he was a really grumpy betta tho
you could try them but i definatly wouldnt put more then 3. i think 3 is really pushin it. some one told me thers a fish called oto that need to be in groups of 3 that would go into my 10gal with my betta. so maybe it would work with a 5gal but i would let him have the run of it or get a divider an another betta :D
I have a 10 gallon tank and I have 2 dividers with 3 Bettas, so its about 3.3 gallons per each betta and they love it. They get to stare at each other and swim with a lot of room for a betta.
White clouds flourish in colder waters, and bettas are tropical. WCs also need to be in groups and I don't think that's possible in a 5 gallon.

I think that you should divide the tank and get him or a her a companion. :) Or if you really need a companion for him or her, an african DWARF frog would or two would be nice.
i would go for

afew apple snails
afew adfs
some shrimp
mabe a small goup of cories

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