Colloidal silver causes disease!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Delaware, USA
That's your choice, but it's extremely rare and not reported in fish(and only a few humans that I've heard of). You would have to really,really,really overdose to get argyria and I can promise that I've used silver for years and I've yet to have a gray fish.

Point is ~ many diseases become immune to antibiotics but none become immune to silver :)
BUT check this out first:

It only happens when you use REALLY high concentrations of silver that are very poorly made. Your fish will be fine. I use it with mine. So unless you're getting 10,000ppm and putting like 5 drops per gallon in, it should be fine. Just make sure you get a good brand.
Hmm, I don't know. I tend to be very guillable, but I have to say, I think those pictures might have been edited through photoshop. I mean, they look like they have been "touched up." Plus, we've used it at our rescue for the cats and they've been fine. And tons of people on here swear on it. Plus, I think it's a little fishy that because they're taking silver, they turn silver. Little odd, right? Maybe it does have some long term affects, everything to excess does, but I think I'm still going to try some on my fishies. I'd like to see more back up than just one website. Any studies published?I don't trust pictures off the internet because of photoshop.
In the UK, the largest plaster company (plasters = Bandaids?) has just announced a new product - the Elastoplast Silvery!! It is a plaster with the dressing impregnated with silver, because 'silver fights disease' to quote the advert. I don't think they'd produce anything that could harm people or they'd risk getting themselves sued out of business.

All the people who have suffered side effects have been taking EXTREMELY large doses for extended periods of time. As in everything, moderation is the key!

Actually, now thinking about floating a betta in pure 5000ppm CS - "Announcing new Metallic Silver Bettas by BravoBettas - only £30!!!!!"

From the ElastoplastSport website:

3 in 1 Silverhealing Fabric, Aqua Protect, Sensitive, Sensitive Adhesive Dressings, Absorbent Non Stick Dressings
Powerful Protection: The plasters and dressings contain silver, which is a natural antiseptic, providing immediate and powerful protection from infection.
Safer Healing: The pad continually releases silver ions into the wound ensuring long lasting protection for more effective healing.
Elastoplast Care: All Elastoplast SILVERHEALING plasters and dressings are hypoallergenic and designed not to stick to the wound, providing the ultimate in comfort
"Announcing new Metallic Silver Bettas by BravoBettas - only £30!!!!!"
I just thought the same thing!!!!
"Hmm, if they DID turn silver....ohhh,la la!"
Nice grease paint job in that one photo. The first article, well, that did look like she had some sort of health problem. If it was indeed caused by colliodal silver, keep in mind she was taking it back in the 50s, as a prescribed drug and in an unknown to us amount... Between that and who knows what else she may have taken over the decades, could be anything. Could be good photoshop.

Unless you marinate your fish in just silver, I don't see how, at a low recommended dose, that it would be harmful over the long term. I personally have had nothing but excellent results. But that's really your choice, if it makes you wary, no one will force you to use it. There are alternatives out there. But I will continue to use it personally. If you do a little more research, you'll find the positive stories far outweigh the negetive. Keep in mind, with any treatment, for humans or animals, there's always going to be rare and unusual cases where something goes wrong or doesn't work out. Medicine is not yet a totally perfect, predictable science.

On January 10, 2003 Wired News published an article on “silver health scams,”,1286,57119,00.html. It treated us to horror stories about the dangers of using colloidal silver -- your skin will turn grey or blue from silver “poisoning” (argyria, ar JEE ree uh ) and you’ll become a walking freak show.

The main complainant, Rosemary Jacobs, contracted argyria nearly 50 years ago from using silver nose drops. All things considered, she must have been taking massive doses, since argyria is a relatively rare condition and requires enormous exposure. Also pictured with the article is Montana libertarian Stan Jones, self-described “Blue Man” who developed argyria after consuming a “homemade silver concoction” daily for 4-1/2 years. How much he consumed isn’t mentioned. If you go to the article above, you’ll see pictures and find more information.

Since I interviewed Bill McFarland, manufacturer of Mild Silver Protein, a colloidal silver preparation (see 9/01 Moneychanger), I felt obliged to ask some knowledgeable people about these charges to try to come to accurate opinion. “Knowledgeable people” includes both McFarland and two physicians who have used some form of colloidal silver.


Obviously, there’s no cure for this. A very large overdose of silver colloid is necessary to turn anyone blue. How much nose drops did Rosemary Jacobs use, and for how long? With all due respect to Stan Jones, what in the world was he thinking about? No medicine ought to be taken in massive doses daily forever. There are thousands of these homemade colloidal silver generators on the market, and the people who sell them promote them as cure-alls. The problem is, most of them offer no quality or dosage control at all. Some use silver wire imported from China contaminated with heavy metals. The sellers often tell people to take the product from these generators daily to ward off disease.

Interestingly, the only side effect Stan Jones suffers is cosmetic, although in especially severe cases argyria can involve organ damage. But still, can you imagine what he would look like if he had taken daily massive doses of antibiotics for 4-1/2 years?


There’s not much telling what people are actually getting from these home-made colloidal silver generators. In addition, from the 1930s into the 1950s lots of silver products were available, some notoriously unstable. Often doctors prepared these themselves, with all the variability of composition that implies. Many used elemental silver, rather than colloidal silver, which is a tiny amount in colloidal suspension. Whoever turned blue in the 1950s probably wasn't using silver colloids, which contain a very small amount, but instead a high-silver-dose medicinal then available. If one uses colloidal silver of 10-40 parts per million (PPM) for a few days at 1 teaspoon every 3-4 hours to fight an infection, and then stops, the odds of turning blue are exceptionally small.


The Wired News article tries to imply that colloidal silver is not effective as an antibiotic, but that’s just not true. Silver’s effectiveness as a bacteria killer is widely known, and widely used in preparations such as Silvadene® (silver sulfadiazine) burn ointment and in water purification systems. Because silver seems to kill mechanically or electrically, bacteria don’t develop a resistance to it as they do to modern antibiotics.


I personally have used the Mild Silver Protein (400 ppm) that Bill McFarland manufactures. I have not turned blue yet (although once in a while I do get a little sad.) I have never taken massive daily doses over long periods, but only 4-5 tablespoons per day for serious infections for a few days. The average dose is 3-4 teaspoons per day. I have ingested it for colds and other illnesses. Mixed with a 10-20 drops of DMSO as a spray, I have used it externally for fungus, yeast infections, mastitis (in a dairy cow), and even warts, and still do. I have also used it on other farm animals. Something killed the warts while I was using the MSP spray. Something kills athlete’s foot and yeast infections when I use the MSP spray.

Now I am not offering this a “scientific proof” that MSP is effective and without side effects, I am only recounting my own experience. Yours may be different. If I had some antibiotic resistant bacterial or a viral infection, I would not hesitate to take MSP internally or even intravenously, but that’s just my opinion, and I’m not a physician. One thing for sure: I would never take any medication continuously, just as a protective measure. Note particularly that although in the past I have used homemade colloidal silver generators, I would no longer use them and do not recommend them.

Whenever I interview anyone about alternative medicine, readers must know and assume that I am offering that interview as information only. Neither the person interviewed nor The Moneychanger recommends any medical therapy for any reader. You have to make that decision for yourself, consulting with your local health care professional.
I swear by it and I can't see how a reasonable person could overdose a fish. I have had boys that I have poured it directly on them, given it orally, and added it to their water all in the same day and they were fine.

I also think it's apples and oranges to compare a fish to a person. The lifespan of a fish is not long enough for the problems that humans experience to really take effect.

I do agree that people need to be very careful with it, but I will drench a fish inside and out with silver any day of the week. :p
Yeah, now that I think about it, I basically agree with all your replies. But it's still pretty freaky to see a bunch of dark gray people! :p
I used to take Silver as part of a homeopathic thing (something I don't much believe in, at any rate, but was desparate) and was warned by my practicioner to not take excessive amounts as it can cause discoloration of the skin. I was on a very high concentration, and took only low doses. I had no problems, nor do most people I know. It is only if you take massive overdoses of it at a high ppm for a prolonged period of time that you would have this issue. I think most of the people it happened to fell into the old human trap of "if its good in small amounts, it must be even better in HUGE amounts!" something that never holds true for any antibiotic, vitamin, mineral, or suppliment. The body either processess it out, becomes toxic, or has some funky side effect.
Now, I have not read much on the side effects of silver in fish, but I would like to point out that fish are cold blooded aquatic animals and we are warm blooded terrestrial mammals. While we have many similarities, we also have a huge amount of differences. So just because humans turn blue from the stuff doesn't mean the fish will too.
Also... even if it does turn the fish blue... who gives a darn?! If you fish is dying of dropsy, do you want dead normal colored fish, or living blue fish? I don't care if the stuff gives my fish antlers and three heads, if it'll get them better, I'll use it. I've had fish die of dropsy before and it was very ugly. A little loss of vanity is well worth the cure.
Yeah, and also fish don't live as long as humans, so they probably won't build up as high a concentration of silver in their body (and thus won't turn grey).
Yep, so don't worry about giving it to your fish. Any higher ppm you're only going to give a couple drops. Thus, no worries.

And it's illegal to see anything that hasn't been tested by the government, so no worries.
I would think you'd probably have to be pretty iron deficient to turn blue too. I wonder if anyone has ever tried treating that with iron supplements? I dunno how commonly known this is, but the pinkish tint in our skin is a result of a chemical reaction between oxygen and the iron in our blood. Were that iron to be replaced with silver, that chemical reaction would give our skin a bluish cast, which is probably what's happened in these cases. It's just a thought...

As for bettas, I think the same thing would apply to them. Also, many people don't realize that most medications are poisons used in small amounts. That's why people lose their hair during chemotherapy. Think about it. Penicillin is bread mold and that was the first antibiotic ever created. Of course it's potentially dangerous in horribly large amounts.

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