The Fish Keepers Blues


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
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I have noticed while reading other people’s posts that people outside the fish keeping world just don’t get it. It seems real common with bettta's since they are quite inexpensive and seen as "throw away" fish. I am tired of hearing "You spent how much on your 2 dollar fish?" Or "You bought a 5 gallon tank for a 3 dollar fish that can live in a cup?" Or "You bought medicine to help a 2 dollar fish?” Why is it always about how much you spend on your fish? I always like to throw back in their face. "You spent how much on your Cat?" reply "It was free" I reply "and how much do you spend on it every month including vet bills?" I really get annoyed that even at aquarium shops I get ugly looks when I tell them it’s for a betta or it’s about a betta. Why is it if I don’t have the expensive fish then the attitude is why bother. I understand I can spend 4 dollars on a new fish or 8 dollars on some medicine to help the one I have. But just to let one pet go because its cheaper to buy a new one then help the old it down right mean.

Its like the cost of the pet determines how much you spend on it. Why is this the mentality with fish. Its definitely not this way with Cats, Dogs, Birds people spend thousands of dollars on these animals over the animals life time and it’s never questioned. Yes my pet lives in water but they can still interact with you just like any other pet. It’s just a little more difficult for them to do so. Look I get that it is a fish and people think fish don’t have feelings ect. Well my fish are my pets. They can’t meow, they can’t lick my face, but they are still my pet. Why does it bother people so much that we spend time and effort to maintain the happiness of our pets? I know I am preaching to the choir but maybe you can share your theory on this.

/rant off

I don't understand it either. One of my bettas that I bought from Walmart a while ago started floating on his side up at the top the first night I had him. So I ran back to Walmart at 2 am to look for meds to help him. I picked out the meds and then asked the associate if they thought it was a good medicine (I was pretty new to medicating fish then), and told them what had happened. The associate basically told me to save my money, let the fish die, bring it back and get another, and a customer standing nearby said the same thing. I told them thank you, took my chosen meds to the counter, paid for it and left. I'm happy to say that betta pulled through and lived a long happy life with me.
ya that is bull crap that ppl think that way about fish. some ways for my its easier to tell when im oscar is happy then with my dads dog my oscar when i forget to feed him he turns grey an every time you walk by he sticks his mouth out of the water an open an closes it but he never shows any reaction to my step mom or my dad or step bro. only person he shows intrest in is me. even after food. an my betta when i walk buy after i get home from work or school flares up does a circle around his tank AND STOPS MOVING till i give him some sort of attention. an when i sit next to my tiger barb tank all of them swim to the top front but if its some one else the realize it an get back to chasing eachother an swimming happly. i might jus go by a pastel betta from walmart jus cuz that walmart story made me sad...good thing i have the exta 1gal :p
So true... when I tell people I have like 26 bettas at home, they're like, "but what's the big deal about fish?! It's just a fish!" You know, I never really thought I would like fish... but when I got my first betta, Stan, I fell in love. Then I got my first two girls and it all just exploded from then. They're a pet just like any other. I've got an entire fish medicine cabinet... Maracyn, Maracyn 2, Maracide, Fungus tabs, Ich Tabs, Blackwater Extract, Aquasafe, Stresscoat, Aquarium Salt, Marine Salt, Colloidal and Indian Almond leaves coming in the mail. And it's all worth it. They are my family, too. :)

And like it was said, some people are just small-minded.... or they have no heart. Fish are animals, too... you wouldn't just give up your dog and leave it for dead because it needed surgery and you adopted it for like $100. Same thing goes here.

And it's good to see other people out there that really do care.
My family and friends are all animal lovers, so I actually don't encounter this problem often. A mean heck, a few months ago when my $10 parakeet (who is nearly 7 years old) was ill, we spent well over $100 at the vet's office for x-rays and medicine. Turns out it was pneumonia, but he's ok btw :)
Even in the fish world (dare I say it, occasionally even on this forum) you encounter the attitude that fish are only interesting and that you're only a proper fishkeeper if your fish are expensive and rare. Big deal. I'd rather see a well-kept tank of zebra danios any day than a badly kept unhealthy zebra plec. I never felt my fishkeeping skills resided in my cheque book.
Btw my kids came free, but I'd still think myself justified in spending money on keeping them alive rather than replacing them.
well i went to walmart last night with my gf. :X :angry: :grr: there was a little kid twirling a lovly pastel around in his jar like a tornado :grr: :angry: :X so i walked up took the fish grabed more betta boi gold an some frozen meal worms an left BTW i did something very wrong. i felt sorry for him so i gave him a pintch of meel worms last night when i got home an now he wont eat the betta boi gold :p ill try to get a pic when i can. my gfs digi cam broke. but ya hes beautiful.
You know, I think their just jealous that their not part of the "in crowd". Those poor folks just don't belong and they know it. So sad for them.
I think it is funny that people question spending habits when it comes to fish. EVERY pet cost more to care for than it did to initially buy. Several of my pet dogs were free buy we still spent money on food. Sure we could let this one starve and get another free puppy but that isn't right.

Actually many purchases have a good percentage of cost for maintance for example: The '89 chevy that needs a new transmission, the added kitchen and family room to the old house, the $600 software suite for a computer. Most hobbies are money burners but the hobby brings happiness to those that do it. To heck with the cost.
I have this fight with my fiance all the time. It is ok for him to spend $50 on a video game. (That he will be tired of in a month, by the way) But, he gets mad when I spend $50 on fish stuff (Fish, meds plants etc.)
manyfish4me tell him your going devorce him an marry one of your bettas :p :rofl:

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