Schooling fish for female betta tank?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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Just wondering if there is any schooling fish that would be able to go in my female betta tank??

It's a 30 gallon with 10 girls.
Well I have cories in with mine and I count them as schooling :)

Don't really feel safe putting anything else in with them, but they get on well with the cories. I've got albino, bronze and bandit in with them as well as khulie loaches.
I also have a couple of Corys with my girls. The only catch is I have to feed them when the lights are out and it is really dark so the girls don't terrorize them stealing their food.

Yeah I had cories in with them before...I might move them back if theres not much else that can go in with the girls.

sandig - I have a hard time feeding them too. The girls always hog the wafers :rolleyes:
Joby said:
Well I have cories in with mine and I count them as schooling :)

Don't really feel safe putting anything else in with them, but they get on well with the cories. I've got albino, bronze and bandit in with them as well as khulie loaches.
Oh I didn't see you said Khulii loaches :*) They get along well with the girls??
The khulii loaches won't hurt the bettas, but you'll have to watch them because the bettas might pick on them. For tetras, I have white-skirts in with my female betta, and they get along great. A shoal of 6 or so cories would be cool.
My khulies are fine with the girls, mind you, they're as big as earth worms now lol so they wouldn't be able to snack on them :lol:
I've got glowlights, cories and rams with my female bettas in a 30 gallon.
basia said:
I've got glowlights, cories and rams with my female bettas in a 30 gallon.
How many female betta do you have in the 30 gallon? How long has it been set up with the female bettas, rams, cories and tetras? The rams get along ok with the bettas?

I'd love to get a pair of rams but I'm not sure if they can fit since I've got 10 girls in there already :dunno:
I have a female krib, otos, sparkling gouramis, gold tetras, and threadfin rainbows in with mine. No problems here.
Wow ok so there are a lot of fish that can go in with my girls then. Squeeker - What size tank do you have and how many females do you have?

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