Betta Meds


I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
A while back someone had posted a link on how to dose meds for bettas. It was essientially to disolve a the tablet in 10 tablespoons of water (if tablet was for 10 gals) and to add a tablespoon for every dose.

Well, because of owner stupidity, one of my bettas has fin rot. I done a 100% water change, added salt and melafix. It is looking fairly bad, so I have begun treating him wiht Maracyn 2, using the meds mixture above. Do I need to keep this mixture refrigerated? or is it fine if I leave it in my room (about 75 degreese).
Actually, the meds do lose some of their effectiveness after 24 hours, so I'd definitely keep it refridgerated. It should keep it from evaporating, too.

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