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  1. P

    What To Do?

    Agree with marine setup but the though if spending about £200 on live rocks and £60 on water just makes me think against it. The live sand, skimmer and t5 lights as the Roma tank has t8 fitted. Where as discus or cichlids I can use my exact same setup with maybe spending a little bit on some...
  2. P

    What To Do?

    Have kept live plants before so having them again isn't going to be a problem. Seems to be alot of cichlids for sale around my area so swaying towards them.
  3. P

    What To Do?

    I'm open to what ever. I have a Roma 240 tank which is 3ft but not sure on what by. Watersays hard when checking online but am from the UK so dont know if that makes any difference. Currently have larger size gravel but can change that to sand if needs be. Currently fake plants but can go for...
  4. P

    What To Do?

    I've been keeping Tropical fish for about 15 years. I've always kept community fish but I'm wanting a change. Was thinking of going salt water with marine but the cost of the setup is putting me off. Always fancied discus fish but will they be to similar to what I've always kept. Should I go...
  5. P

    Ebay Assorted Collections

    So reckon something like this would be ok for a 100l tank? I've got small stone in my tank ATM. Not the really small stuff but the pebbly stuff. Think that would be ok or should I look at getting sand?
  6. P

    Ebay Assorted Collections

    Are these safe to buy? I'm on about the ones that say a selection of 50 or 75 plants. Basically I'm looking at redoing my tank and using real plants so wanting to buy a fair few to make it look all nice. eBay looks the cheapest option but notice they are mostly stem plants with weights so not...
  7. P

    2X Razor Back Musk Turtles

    Am selling my two turtles. They are about 2 years old and are in fine health. Can sell them with the tank and everything needed for them for £100 or can sell the turtles on their own for £60. I am from the northamptonshire area.
  8. P

    Just Brought A Dragon Goby

    i am from england. the fish was kept in freshwater at the lfs and the bloke that sold me the fish never mentioned its a brackish fish. yes he did say about how it eats. told me alot about the fish as i was worried it would eat my own fish. well he seems pretty happy in my tank. had him nearly...
  9. P

    Just Brought A Dragon Goby

    i think it will be alright. if its not i will take it back to the shop. but the place i got it from the owner is a fish vet and it is one of the best in the country. they said it would be ok as long as its got somewhere to hide away from time to time.
  10. P

    Just Brought A Dragon Goby

    that list is very out dated. i didnt get told it was a brackish fish. i told the shop what ive got and they said it would be ok. it was kept in the same tank as what i brought as well.
  11. P

    Is My Shrimp Dead/dying?

    well he is dead and brought a couple more today. im not sure what killed him. i dont use plant fertaliser. it could of been snail treatment. did wash the plants but could of probably washed them better. just need to look after the two i brought today. cant remember the name of them but will...
  12. P

    Just Brought A Dragon Goby

    well saw this in lfs today. was looking for a couple of shrimps and saw this. it looked great. i asked the shop owner a few questions about it and in the end i brought it. not knowing much about them i just looked on the internet and from the advice the shop owner gave me it looks like its...
  13. P

    I Want Sumthin Werid

    sorry for crashing your post here :P will get my self a couple more corys then tomorrow with a couple more little things :D
  14. P

    Pregnant Guppies

    my female guppy gave birth many times and then once she never released the babies and she blew up really big and all her scales popped out. she was definately pregnant as you could see the babies inside of her self. so be careful
  15. P

    I Want Sumthin Werid

    the glass catfish arent exactly exciting really. they just swim against the current. they are very peaceful fish though and do some strange things sometimes :P how many corys do you think a tank should have then?
  16. P

    Is My Shrimp Dead/dying?

    ok i left the shrimp in the tank over night to see if he was alive or not and when i woke up he was all stood up and moving about and cleaning. then i turned the light off and went and got ready for work. came back and he was on his back again.......... is he playing dead or is he dying? i dont...
  17. P

    Fish Grouping

    i might get another clown loach then but he seems alright on his own. will get a couple more mollies, im not sure what sex the one is ive got as i brought a male and a female before but one died but dont know which one. is it easy to tell which is which?
  18. P

    Fish Food

    cheers for the replies, i give my fish about half a cube crumbled up as when i put it in full they didnt bother with it. i notice some fish like it and some dont. i will spice up my diet for my fish and add a bit of cucumber for the plec and maybe some peas from time to time :D
  19. P

    Water Treatment

    yeah i was thinking that. just when you go in shops you see loads of the water treatment stuff and i have never bothered and have had the tank nearly a year and my other tank over a year. they all seem ok. i do get an odd fish every so often but thats it really.
  20. P

    Fin Nippers

    more than likely redtail sharks, they are lethal, i have had to put mine in a tank on its own as it killed many a fish and ate the left overs.
  21. P

    I Want Sumthin Werid

    i want something a litttle more exciting. already got a red finned shark. in its own tank. had a shrimp but has just died. got a clown loach that is wicked and a kiss gourmani
  22. P

    Water Treatment

    ok what things should i regulary treat my water with? anyone do anything like this or is it best to leave it as it is as all the fish seem healthy?
  23. P

    Is My Shrimp Dead/dying?

    never heard of killing a fish of like that so its peaceful, will keep it in mind if i have any other problems where the fish is slowly dying.
  24. P

    Fish Food

    ok i usually feed my fish flakes and sometime the odd plec tablet and the catfish pellets. i brought some frozen blood worm and some frozen brime shrimp. how much should i feed my fish these and how often? is it a good idea to give them these as a treat? is it best to feed them flakes every day?
  25. P

    Fish Grouping

    ok i just want to ask a couple of questions about if i should pair up some of my fish again. ok i have got one clown loach, its getting pretty big, around 3 inches big atm. should it have a mate? i did have another one but that died? ive also got a black mollie, should i get a couple more? is...
  26. P

    Is My Shrimp Dead/dying?

    yeah didnt want to flush it, is so horrible. i think i will pay the pet shop a visit tomorrow and get a couple of shrimps :D thanks for all the help and advice people :D
  27. P

    Is My Shrimp Dead/dying?

    how long do shrimps usually last? i think this one has been scared to death with the shock of everything moving, had him around 2 months now. would it be better to buy a couple of shrimps next time as i do want to replace him. whats the best thing to do. leave him to die or flush him now?
  28. P

    Is My Shrimp Dead/dying?

    ok well today i brough some new plants for my tank and red set everything up. the shrimp seemed a little scared as its hiding log had moved. any way i left my tank and everything seemed ok. gave the fish a feed and the shrimp did its usual thing but rather than being hidden he done it in full...
  29. P

    Is My Balloon Molly Ill

    im not sure if it has always been there but i think i will treat it even if it isnt an illness. all my fish seem to be hyper today do you think that is an indercation into them being ill?
  30. P

    Is It Eggs?

    ok i have taken it out, i am going to buy a vaccuming kit once i get the money to, thanks for the help.
  31. P

    Ideas on what i cud keep in this tank

    kissing gourami or a couple of balloon mollies as they are good to watch.
  32. P

    Is My Balloon Molly Ill

    yday i posted about my tiger barb and i thought it was ill but it seem ok now but while watching it i noticed that one of my balloon mollys was swimming a lil strange, i dunno if i am just being stupid and picky but i think it has got to little white dots on part of its tail fin, is it ill or is...
  33. P

    Is It Eggs?

    just under a few of my stones at the bottom of my tank there is a lil fluffy like thing with a cple of white dots on it, i think that its eggs but im not sure. i have had this before but i saw it wen it was in another fishes mouth and it ate it. is it eggs or just a build up of dirt. the fish i...
  34. P

    Weird yellow stuff in plant in tank

    i had this but i saw it in a mouth of another fish and my girlfriend said its just a bit of fluff so i said where the hell did the fish get some fluff from lol. i think its eggs but am not 100% sure.
  35. P

    Can A Cat Scare The Fish

    i have got a cat and she loves to watch the fish, there is no way that she can get into my tank but im just wondering if this could affect the fish, they dont seem bothered wen she is looking in the tank and on the odd occasion she pats the tank with her paw but does no harm.
  36. P

    My Tiger Barb....

    ok thats ok then, i just done a water change so i wondered if they were about to drop dead cuz of it lol. a few of them seem to be doing it now so i think they will be fine.
  37. P

    My Tiger Barb....

    my tiger barb is swimming with its head down and tail fin in the air, looks like it is swimming verticle, i dont think its done this b4, all my other fish seem to be ok, ive just done a water change is it this?
  38. P

    Is It Ok TO..............

    so taking it out with my hand isnt the best option, what can i use then? i need to get rid of some of the stones. if i syphon out the stones wont some of the water come out with it? plus these arent gravel is more like pebbles if u know what i mean.
  39. P

    Is It Ok TO..............

    is it ok to take some of my stones that are at the bottom of the tank out as i feel i have way to much in there. i put as much as it told me to in the thing i got with my tank and it said to put it 5cm deep but as time has gone on i can see the muck in the stones and i want to take som out as i...