Is My Balloon Molly Ill


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
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yday i posted about my tiger barb and i thought it was ill but it seem ok now but while watching it i noticed that one of my balloon mollys was swimming a lil strange, i dunno if i am just being stupid and picky but i think it has got to little white dots on part of its tail fin, is it ill or is it just part of its fin, i cant remember if it has always been there or not, it seems to have a lil trouble swimming like he used to. could some one help?
Is it little white dots only, or does the whole tail look different (as if parts are missing)? The little white dots might be ich, which should get treated if you dont want it to whipe our your whole tank. I recommened looking through the pinned topics on the Tropical Fish Emergency Section on this forum, and see if you can find anything that sounds a like. This will also tell you how to treat.
im not sure if it has always been there but i think i will treat it even if it isnt an illness. all my fish seem to be hyper today do you think that is an indercation into them being ill?

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