Fish Food


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
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ok i usually feed my fish flakes and sometime the odd plec tablet and the catfish pellets.

i brought some frozen blood worm and some frozen brime shrimp. how much should i feed my fish these and how often? is it a good idea to give them these as a treat?

is it best to feed them flakes every day?
Flakes are definitely a good staple food, and frozen foods should be fed every few (3-4) days as a treat.

As for the amount of frozen food, experiment the first time (try one block, at first), to see how much your fish will eat, and after that you should be able to get the amount perfected (I give each of my tanks different amounts of frozen food, simply because I know my fish and their eating habits well) :)
Some of your fish will also appreciate a bit of veg from time to time: a boiled pea, a piece of spinach, a little broccoli maybe. Mollies in particular like quite a bit of greenery in their diet. I serve greens three times a week and bloddworms etc twice a week. If you have a plec, no doubt he will like a slice of cucumber or courgette.
cheers for the replies, i give my fish about half a cube crumbled up as when i put it in full they didnt bother with it. i notice some fish like it and some dont.

i will spice up my diet for my fish and add a bit of cucumber for the plec and maybe some peas from time to time :D

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