Weird yellow stuff in plant in tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, UK
i have discovered a strange looking substance in my tank.

i cant really get a photo of it up, as my camera cant deal with close ups.

it in the middle of a plant near the surface and looks like a yellow cotton wool substance with little brown bits in and i dont know what it is :unsure:

i have tiny snails, guppies and corys in my tank

any ideas?
could be snail egss.
what kind of snails do you have?
i had this but i saw it in a mouth of another fish and my girlfriend said its just a bit of fluff so i said where the hell did the fish get some fluff from lol. i think its eggs but am not 100% sure.
Well it wouldn't be the guppies coz they're livebearers as you probably know, and I don't know anything about corys but anyway I'm guessing it's snails eggs! You're gonna have loads! :crazy: :lol:
i guess it could be snail eggs then.

i have lots of tiny snails - there are snails and fish hanging round that plant so im not sure.

has anyone got pictures of cory eggs?
Do you have a spare tank you could remove the eggs to.
Hi norbie, could it possibly be the wadding from the bottom of some plant that you may have put in a while back? just a thought :thumbs:
it could be that, but it looks like its been placed there, or its growing out of the intersection of the plant in the middle where the leaves come out
I'd put my money on some sort of fungal growth or plant wadding - I'd get it out of the tank.
Guppies don't lay eggs, doesn't sound like cory eggs, and snail eggs are colourless and jelly-like, unless they're apple snails in which case they're orange and laid above the water-line.
most of it seems to have gone...

there a little bit there.... im very bemused but i think it might be snail eggs

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