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  1. B

    Leaving father with fry

    When you leave the male with the frys here is something Yeeviabetta told me: Feed the father at the same time you feed the frys when they are free swimming (about 50 hours after the frys hatch). Feed the father regularly and not too much. Hope everything works out for you.
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    Wild Simplex spawn attempt take 2

    Wow it's great to hear you're attempting another spawning of the simplex pair. What type of filter is that Wuv because I've never seen anything like that. Good luck :cool:
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    WHOOO CONGRATS! I just found out today that my LFS has Glossostigma but the bad news was that their light was too bright or something and all of the Glosso died. They also have riccia (1 cup = 7 dollars) and some other nice plants too. Do you plan to carpet with the Glosso?
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    Betta Smaragdina

    I dont know much about wild bettas but here's my opinion. The first picture seems as if the male is building a nest. That might be his spawning coloration while your picture is not a spawning.
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    Riccia Harvesting!

    Yeah I've been trying to find cheap riccia (my lfs sells for 20 USD for this teeny bag) but so far it's been pretty expensive. If you live in the US and would like to sell it, I would be intersted.
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    new stock

    The blue butterfly hm might rival Yeevia's mustard gas ;)
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    they bred yay

    If by some miracle you have frys you COULD try to artificially hatch them but it will be time consuming or you could always recondition and hopefully they'll spawn again.
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    Dropsy the sickest sight

    I'm sorry for your lost also. Dropsy always give me the 'I-think-I'm-gonna-go-barf-now' expression. If only there was a inexpensive yet 100% effective way to fight dropsy.
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    they bred yay

    AWw that sucks big time. I keep mine at the most remote place I could lay my hands on withoout my mom screaming at me. I use a digital camera and view it through there instead of looking directly at the pair.
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    Live plants for bettas

    There is a thread somewhere here about this. The live plants most commonly used are Java fern and Java moss because they're hardy plants.
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    Questions about Indian Almond Leaves

    IMO I believe it's better to buy the 100 leaves. I've been using IAL for a while now and I think it's a one time use. 1 square inch of leaf = 1 gallon. Anyone wanna pipe in a give me a hand here?
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    Got some female betta's yesterday

    I agree with Yeevia. The gas is leaking and whoever strikes that match better run like crazy ;)
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    Feeding Blackworms as main diet

    Wait, when you say 'just the clean worm' do you mean like wipe the slime off or rinse it? How long does the solution usually last?
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    Feeding Blackworms as main diet

    What is the 'solution' of the IAL? Well I wash the blackworms everday and refill with spring water. I've been doing this for about 3-4 weeks already and so far there hasn't been anything wrong. I'll try your method if you can explain to me about the 'indian almond thick solution'. I have...
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    Feeding Blackworms as main diet

    Is it safe to feed blackworms as a betta's main diet instead of pellets? Thanks
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    Yes, a divider question

    What are hair grips? I am in the search of finding a DIY temporary dividers also.
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    Im new to this forum and very dissapionted

    STOP! Man I hear this thing so many times (one of them was mine :P ) and now my only reaction is humor, no offense. Is there really a forum where EVERYONE is nice? That is a very slim chance Jen. I don't want to be rude or anything but be careful about what you say around here...we bettas...
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    El Shaddai's new home

    WOW! JUST GORGEOUS! He loks very hapy too ;)
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    Opps, I did it again!!!

    Very cool! I've found these 20+ gallons for $8 at my local BigsLots. Beautiful bettas btw. I think I"ll be a fish counselor when I grow up so I can get loads of cash from Yeevia. :P
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    If you don't hear from me, I may be dead

    LOL :lol: :rofl: ! No worries, I believe murder is illegal in the U.S :P . When I grow up I want a fish room so that NO ONE can complain about my fishies :D
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    I only feed them live blackworms because I've heard it's the most nutrious and it's pretty cheap at my lfs.
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    Building & then destroying

    In my first unsuccesful spawn the same thing happen. The male would build a big bubblnest and then wreck and rebuild. When I checked on him, there were alot of small clumps of bubblnest everywhere.
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    how to make my home made betta caves

    WOW! VERY NICE WORK :thumbs: . Ingenious design :D . You could, if you're real desperate and lazy, use pvc pipes or those connectors :P
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    cant open

    Yeah same thing happen to me too. Ooh is right, how come I'm not one of you 'special people' :lol:
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    Wow beautiful! Hopefully the spawn will be successful :D . I saw on aquabid, 6 wild smaragdina for like 50 bux including s/h to U.S ;)
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    Betta Species

    OOH ME TOO! Macrostoma are soo nice with their huge mouth :D . Beautitful :thumbs:
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    Rare Bettas

    Purple bettas are really rare. Many people believe the ones we saw are lavender, not true purple while other beleive it was a lighting trick. No offense intended Dojo ;)
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    Betta Species

    Nope, Thailand people transfer their spawning fish by hands so that the debris will not be in the spawning tank. But I have no clue why he's holding it while taking a picture...
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    THe most Unique Fish

    I concur, STEAL HIM :hey:
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    ok, i caved

    It is a veiltail with torn then restored fins. NIce colorings :thumbs:
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    Betta Growth in Pictures

    Yeah I saw that on BettySplendens and it's WAY COOL :thumbs:
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    Ghost Shrimp W/ Bettas while breeding?

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I was planning to get some ramshorn but I'm not sure if they'll clean more than they poop out.
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    Ghost Shrimp W/ Bettas while breeding?

    I would advise it before ghost shrimp can turn agressive to the newborn frys even with dad there. You can add snails which I heard does a great job. BTW, :hi: to TFF! ;)
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    My trip to Petco this evening

    Yeah, that might be the case but I doubt it though. They were nice females (deep blue or deep red) but i don't know, you may be right.
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    what color should i get?

    I would go with choice 1 so you can pour all your devotion into him (or her, no offense ladies). The obvious choice would be white =] (not opaue or pastel right?)
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    THe most Unique Fish

    OH MAN! If only you could've bought it. Red eyed betta, how very odd. Usually red eyes only come from albino unless the crownie has albino gene in him... :hyper:
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    My spawn

    Yeah my lfs sells like 3 large leaves for 1 USD. Compare that to aquabid :P
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    My trip to Petco this evening

    Wuv can close this thread for one of the two following reasons: Your bickering and your bickering. Guys this world is cruel, you can't save everything. Dojo, I know what you mean but please, don't act so high and mighty, we're all equal. FRIENDLIEST FORUM AROUND :D . BTW about the large...
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    My spawn

    Yup, Indian almond leaves create black water extract and there's also those tat come in tea bags which I've never used but IAL are dirt cheap at my lfs.