Betta Species


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
I know there are many many other species of bettas other than splendins. I know a few but not all, can anyone produce me with a list? and out of all those bettas what ones are bubble nesters and can they be crossed with betta splendins?
Wow there are so many to list. Here are just some that I've found (I also found this site with ALOT of species in real life too):


I'll get some more once I find the site. And the answer to your question is yes, they can cross breed with other betta species. The problem is that in the past, there were few wild bettas and people crossed breed wild bettas and betta splendens so much that wild bettas soon decline. It is advise not to cross breed bettas and keep the gene pool pure.
Those are awesome lists... but why the heck is he HOLDING all the fish?? Was anyone else at least slightly bothered by this??
They're probably wild caught fish, keeping them in the net will probably do just as much damage to their slimecoating as holding them (when making sure you've rinsed your hands in the original water really well). I don't really see why it's that bad

We once had to get a good photo of 1 of our banjo cats (she had a massive belly on her and we wanted to know if she was all) ... the only way we could get a good photo of her was by holding her, and I can't say she's ever gotten ill because of it.
He probably caught them, took pictures and released. Nothing wrong with that :) Would it be better if the guy brought them home and inappropriately housed them for a photo shoot? He would never be able to do that AND bring them back to the exact location where he found them. This method is much less stressful on the fish.
It doesn't bother me that he is holding them. But it does make it more difficult to imagine what the fish would look like in water, with its fins spread and looking "happy."
haha this macrostroma is werid i like the macrostromas
i want to hug them they look like a teddy bear ..o_O ..i want one but i dont have space

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