Rare Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2004
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I'm sorry this may seem a silly question but what are rare bettas to all of you? I don't know what to look for when I go into my lfs, I don't know what is rare. So what colors are rare in bettas and what types of tails are rare? Thanks ;)
Unfortunately you won't find too many "rare" bettas at your LFS or LPS. Most are a multitude of multicolored bettas. But as dojo mentioned, an Albino Betta would be very rare and a good find. I have only seen one Albino betta and it was at www.bcbetta.com .

Have fun searching for that special betta :D .
So an albino is rare. I have seen only about 2 white bettas at my lfs before but I am unsure if they were albino or not. :) Any other colors that are rare? How about the tails? I don't even know how to tell the difference between them though :X
Albinos, yellows, oranges, and true purples (not lavender) are about the rarest colours around. As for tail types... all the basic types are pretty common, but combinations (such as CT plakat or CT DT) are not. :)
Finding any non-veil betta at most pet shops is a rare find in and of itself!
Okay thanks :) . I would love to have a purple betta like that. That betta is breath taking. My lfs doesn't take very good care of their bettas and I once believe I got a crown tail mix with something because it had spikes on it but not like some of the crown tails I have seen. I would show you pictures but the poor fellow was in such bad shape i couldn't nurse him back to health :byebye: . Although thanks for all the replys everyone.
ha :p , I don't have a lot of money to buy expensive fish. I die over auqabid, but I can't stop looking :rofl: . I would love to see a picture of your sisters purple betta though. They look amazing.

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