ok, i caved


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
so a little while ago, i was at a petco and saw this betta that was just too pretty to pass up. i'm temporarily keeping him in a quart vase until my 2.5 empties up (momma krib was eating her fry.) in the meantime... LOOK HOW PRETTY!!!!




his fins are a bit rotted, so i'm doing daily water changes. but they really do have that strong green tinge and the red centers are actually a quite transparent dull pink. he's very striking when he just hangs there in the lilly; the colors are remarkably harmonious. :*

PS: if anybody can tell me the name for this color pattern, i'd really appreciate it.
i wish i could do that tonight i had the worts expeieance at petco ever..someone send me 3 bowls!!
What an odd little tail, hehe. He's very pretty!
I think the colour pattern doesn't have a special name... it's just bicolour.
hes cute hes a oddball of color but he is very cute..i like the weridly colored ones
you just reminded me :p im going to my LFS to get a betta with that coloring tomorrow and im naming him link then im getting a female (hopefully of same color or white or something) and naming her zelda :) :p thanks for reminding me (dont worry pics will be posted sometime late the afternoon :) hehe
i really think he's just a mutt VT. he does have some of the most unique coloring i've seen in a cheapie betta; i was quite pleasantly surprised when i first got him in his vase and finally saw his fins fully spread.
He's definitely a veiltail, but a very pretty one :)
It looks like his tail was damaged in the past and the rays grew back crooked or something
.... So the bottom and top fins matter in the naming of tail types now? ;)
Hehe, just pickin' on ya. I guess the dorsal fin does matter with DTs, but otherwise the tail is what you need to be looking at :p

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