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  1. Aviici

    Just Picked Up My 700L Beaut, Doing Something Different!

    Update - Week 1:   Picked up some 2-3mm black gravel, which glistens nicely to be my substrate yesterday. Now just gotta wait for the lighting to arrive and the it's lid construction time!  
  2. Aviici

    Lighting For 6X2X2

    I've recently got a 6"6 tank and have had the same issue - deciding on lighting. I've gone for fitting an entirely new set up, so buying Hagen Flo T5 starter unit, Arcadia 46" Plant Pro, and Tropical Pro, and also buying the reflectors. All in all this cost about £100 so not too bad, but it's...
  3. Aviici

    Whats Your Favorite Oddballs?

    Not sure if they come under the category but since my first one, snakeheads have always been a firm favourite. SO addictive, and so interesting to watch + lots of variety!
  4. Aviici

    What Do You Feed Your Corydoras Catfish

    Used the same, sinking pellets. New Life Spectrum Betta pellets were what I fed my community tank with, Serpae tetras grabbed a lot on the way down and the pellets were just the right size for the cories! It definitely brings out the colours in your fish too. :)
  5. Aviici

    Just Picked Up My 700L Beaut, Doing Something Different!

    Update:   After a fair bit of research I've decided to completely replace the light unit and entire aquarium hood. Both for insulation purposes and security, don't want any escapees! Going to build a new hood with hinges, making it more tight-fitting, and fit it with some 46" T5 Arcadia lights...
  6. Aviici

    Just Picked Up My 700L Beaut, Doing Something Different!

    I'm definitely looking at perch, and from my experience with predatory fish like that they need a LOT of filtration! Usually go for about 3 or even 4 times the volume of the aquarium per hour :)
  7. Aviici

    Discussing Those "should Be Fine" Fish That Ended Up As Snacks

    Thought my Golden Cobra snakehead would be fine too. In a bizarre twist to the topic of this thread, he had his dinner before I went out, lights went off. Got home rather worse for wear and headed straight for bed, woke up in the morning and looked for him in the tank - nowhere to be seen.   He...
  8. Aviici

    How To ...

    Agree with Ninjouzata, have a second small tank with some Elodea in it, and chuck a load of Ramshorns in there and they'll multiply like no tomorrow!
  9. Aviici

    Stocking Ideas?

    10 Celestial Pearl Danios, 4 Venezuelan Cories, and a Male Betta, a white one!   Think those colours would look cool with black sand :P CPDs are amazing little beauties!
  10. Aviici

    Just Picked Up My 700L Beaut, Doing Something Different!

    I'd be interested to know if you could with plants, we've got a pond with a variety of plants in it, and I guess the tank's probably big enough for most pond plants! Going to get the substrate this weekend, and maybe an extra filter, I bought the tank second hand and it came with an All Pond...
  11. Aviici

    Just Picked Up My 700L Beaut, Doing Something Different!

    Yes, it all came to light though when I was in my LFS a while back and they had some perch in a tank near the koi ponds, so I enquired and they said they can order in from lake and pond suppliers more or less any cold water fish that tickles my fancy! There's a variety of online shops that sell...
  12. Aviici

    Just Picked Up My 700L Beaut, Doing Something Different!

    Hello everyone, welcome to the diary of my new 6"6, 700L tank!!   After taking a break from the hobby and only keeping a small Fluval Edge for a long period of time, I've decided now's the time to come back and come back with a bang!  The tank is going to be in the garage, therefore a coldwater...
  13. Aviici

    Plants And Oscars! I Know Daring!

    I had a full planted set up with two tiger oscars, they were fine. The only plants they didnt like were ones like vallils, and the taller thinner variants of crypts. Anything flimsy that moves about in the flow a lot they'll get rid of, but you'll definitely be fine with the sword. Mine never...
  14. Aviici

    Fun Fish For 10 Gallon?

    10 Gallons is too small for cories unless you've got pygmy ones. As it goes for the danios and tetras they need more space than 10G too. The options that are realistic are quite narrow but obviously a male betta springs to mind, pygmy puffers too? or just keep shrimp.   Merry Christmas!
  15. Aviici

    Compatibility And Stocking Of A 240 Litre Tank.

    Yeah the Jack Dempsey will get too big for the tank, and in my experience they're too aggressive for anything that's docile and/or smaller than them. I've had one bully an oscar.
  16. Aviici

    Stocking For New Tank :d

    In my little tank I've got a fair few cherry shrimp, not sure how many now they breed too much. One rock shrimp, and the shoaling fish are rice fish. They're pretty cool tiny little fish, with glowing blue eyes :) You could also look at celestial pearl danios? They are little gems.
  17. Aviici

    Stones / Rocks

    I'm not sure either, I do know that they'll change the pH of the water, but only in excess. In a 6ft tank it'll be minor changes. Slate's used in my tanks and I haven't had any visible effects. Plus slate looks great :D
  18. Aviici

    Common Plec Fin Damaged.

    Could possibly be the Severums. My Pleco has had a gap in his dorsal fin since day 1, it seems to heal and then come back all the time. I wouldn't worry about it, they can do it from scraping on bog wood or anything sharp in the tank.
  19. Aviici

    Clown Pleco.. Vanishing Act?

    I've got a Starlight BN pleco in there with the snakehead, and they've been happy together for a long time! the BN is about 4 inches. My snakehead is a 7 inch Rainbow. He's still not an adult just yet, but close to full size.   That's interesting you say they're notorious for hiding though, i...
  20. Aviici

    Paraya / Hydrolycus Armatus / Vampire Fish Fangs

    Yeah I'd say that's a Hydrolycus Scomberoides, so you should be alright with it only growing to about 30cm. It'll eat everything else in your tank though, even if they're bigger than him. This fish is not recommended to be kept with ANY other fish unless they're a lot larger than itself, or...
  21. Aviici

    Clown Pleco.. Vanishing Act?

    Yesterday I was at my LFS, and I walked by a tank with a lonely baby clown plec, it was only about 4-5cm long, but such a cutie. Therefore I bought him, foolishly. I acclimatised him, as one usually does, and when I released him he decided to stick to the glass right at the front of the tank. My...
  22. Aviici

    Fish Ideas

    Flourite black gravel, black background, Celestial Pearl Danios and Cherry Shimp. Throw in an anubius and some small vallis in the back and jobs a goodun.
  23. Aviici

    Filter Suggestions

    Maidenhead Aquatics filters are pretty handy if you're just looking for a internal filter. Canister filters are superior though!
  24. Aviici

    Community Tank Upgrade

    Amen ^ Exactly what I did. Foolishly kept the tanks though o.O
  25. Aviici

    20G High Predatory Options

    If they start breeding in your tank though you won't be able to have anything else in there, they'll kill it. I had to get a new tank for my oscar because my snakehead kept harassing him and mouthing him
  26. Aviici

    20G High Predatory Options

    Snakeheads aren't that exciting, and getting just two is a bad idea, unless they're a proven pair
  27. Aviici

    Robust, Agile, Hard Schooling Fish To Accompany Fluffy?

    Cheers for the advice guys, basically I went for some Serpae tetras - they are pretty crazy! Got about 10 of them and they are like little piranhas when they feed! The only thing is they do have a little nip at the pleco sometimes but she can definitely stamp her authority when she wants to aha...
  28. Aviici

    Future Tank... These Inhabitants Good?

    I used to have 6 in my nano tank with the shrimp, they were perfectly happy, I think you'd only need 20+ if there is about 1 plant in your tank haha. They're mid-water and just seem to mooch about pecking and exploring, no shoaling.
  29. Aviici

    Robust, Agile, Hard Schooling Fish To Accompany Fluffy?

    It's not for the tank with my Oscar, it's to go in the 200L with a rainbow snakehead, I know Oscars can't really have other fish with them, it only got on with a large Syno I once had. As Channa Bleheri are relitively peaceful snakeheads they can be kept as part of a community. Just need ideas...
  30. Aviici

    Robust, Agile, Hard Schooling Fish To Accompany Fluffy?

    I've finally sorted my tank out and got my O in his 400L, so right away I went and bought the fish I've wanted for about a year. I need some ideas of what schooling fish I can keep with him, There's a lot of space for more fish as I only have 3 mid sized guys in the 200L tank at the moment.  ...
  31. Aviici

    Future Tank... These Inhabitants Good?

    Any other fish in there would spook the Rasboras. You've got to have a lot of plant cover for them, I'd have a look at Celestial Pearl danios? They don't school really, and they have nice colouration.
  32. Aviici

    What Do I Feed A Plec When I Am On Holiday For A Week

    Don't feed em anything they'll be fine, I'm sure they will be able to pick about and find something.
  33. Aviici

    Recommend Me A Filter Please !

    No problem at all :) Good luck with everything pal!
  34. Aviici

    I Found Two Fry Hiding..

    If you really want them to survive put them in a breeder box, and make sure they get fed enough, and they should survive.
  35. Aviici

    Recommend Me A Filter Please !

    Definitely, it's the same as an Eheim filter, without the hefty price tag. I did a lot of research about external filters before getting them, and the Fluval was one that i looked into, lots of people said they've had theirs leak and the flow rate isn't as great as they are advertised to be. The...
  36. Aviici

    Recommend Me A Filter Please !

    You could try eBay, not sure if you can order off of the Maidenhead Aquatics website. Check out their site though because there's almost certainly going to be a store near you, they are everywhere :)
  37. Aviici

    Will South American Cichlids Just Destroy Plants?

    My friend has Kribs and Rams in his planted tank and they are thriving, I think the setup consists more of lots of driftwood for the south american cichlids and some caves for them to shelter in with secure rocks. The bigger ones like the Jack and the Parrots might destroy plants, it's down to...
  38. Aviici

    Recommend Me A Filter Please !

    I've got the same tank as you, and I run two AquaManta EFX1000U's, but that's cos the tank has an extremely messy fish in it. You can easily get away with having one of these filters, as I did for a community set up. They give 1000L/hour filtration and have a built in UV sterilizer to keep your...
  39. Aviici

    Are My Guppy's Pregnant

    +1 The Lock Man, If there are males your females will always be pregnant, and from my own experience it's so difficult to "get rid" of the fry once a new batch comes. You may find you get quickly over run with guppies and it could become a problem when juveniles start breeding with juveniles and...
  40. Aviici

    Where Can I Find Whitebait?

    Yeah, Mtbdean's got it. They'll keep it in the freezer and most tackle shops will sell whitebait :)