Future Tank... These Inhabitants Good?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2012
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So, I may be getting a new (round about) 100L tank in the near or far future, can't say when. I have been thinking about, if I do get it, what I'd stock it with. So I thought these were good -
  • 14-15 Mosquito Rasbora
  • 10 Lambchop Rasbora
  • ?
  • 6 Panda Corys
  • 6 Otocinclus (or other algae eater)
  • Cherry Shrimp
  • Bamboo Shrimp (Maybe)
  • Assassin Snail
So this is the setup that I thought was best. It will hopefully have a lot of plants in it, sand substrate, several large pieces of bogwood etc.
But I am unsure what the third tank mate should be. I was thinking Sparkling Gouramis, but they apparently like to chase and eat Cherry Shrimp, even if they're bigger than the Gourami itself. I don't want this to happen. So what could the tank mate be? I would like one that:
  • Gets on well with the fish in the list (or that just gets on well with small fish in general).
  • Doesn't harm or eat Shrimp.
  • That isn't too big so they do not intimidate the smaller Rasboras.
  • That doesn't school, so not too many of them. This would make the tank inhabitants more diverse.
What do you think? About the list of fish and the third tank member. 
P.S. It's good to be back!
the mosquito rasboras are tinny, you could double them numbers, if you wanted, i think a massive school of them would look good, youv got almost the same set up as im going for as for another member, is it needed? guppies will spook the mosquito rasboras, 
I don't want guppies and I guess I could increase the number of the Mosquito's. Maybe about eighteen? And I could have twelve Lambchop's too.
I would like to have diversity as well, you know. Like something that doesn't school, because there's a lot of schoolers in the list now, maybe something different to go with them.
Any other fish in there would spook the Rasboras. You've got to have a lot of plant cover for them, I'd have a look at Celestial Pearl danios? They don't school really, and they have nice colouration.
Hmmm, they sound interesting. how many could I have?
Edit: I looked them up and apparently they need to be in large groups to be happy. Around 20-ish or so. 
I used to have 6 in my nano tank with the shrimp, they were perfectly happy, I think you'd only need 20+ if there is about 1 plant in your tank haha. They're mid-water and just seem to mooch about pecking and exploring, no shoaling.
I'd forget about the extra type... You've already listed 4 species in a 100L tank - plus inverts!
18 Mosquito rasboras
12 lambchop rasboras
9 panda corydoras
6 otocinclus
That's fully stocked.
I don't count the shrimp and snail as they won't really add to the bioload significantly.  I'd also add that the rasboras should be added first and allow the tank to 'mature' (Note: not cycle - that is presumed).  Pandas and otos can be quite sensitive to newly cycled tanks... there's something else that they need/desire that just isn't there in a new set-up, even if its properly cycled.
Ok, thanks, I'll just stick to the two Rasboras. And 9 Panda's?
This helped a lot thanks. If I do get a 100L then I'll know what to get.
  • 18 Mosquito Rasboras
  • 12 Lambchop Rasboras
  • 6-9 Panda Corys
  • 6 Otocinclus
  • Cherry Shrimps
  • Assassin Snail
Pandas are small corydoras... and as such - more is usually better - assuming you can fit them. ;)
This stocking will be pushing the limits bioload-wise, but if you are good about maintenance, you'll be fine.
Well I probably won't have that many schooling fish anyway, this is just a rough draft. So if anything I'll lower the numbers a bit, especially since I am now thinking - not get RCS and do get Sparkling Gouramis.
If I did get Sparkling Gouramis, how many should I get for a 100L? If I got these, the numbers of the Mosquito's and lambchop's would go down to 15 and 10 again.
How many Sparkling Gouramis could live happily in a 100L with -
  • 15 Mosquito Rasboras
  • 10 Lambchop Rasboras
  • 6-9 Panda Corys
  • 6 Otocinclus
A pair? Trio or more? They grow just a little bigger than the Lambchops or are about the same rough size.

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